29 August 2010

ello...long time no see huh?!?

I actually have A LOT to blog about. This is the last day of my off day...goshhh....off days are never enough for me. Truthfully, I did not use this one to the very best of my ability......I feel that  most of my time are wasted....which is why I am practically slamming all the keys on this keyboard right now hoping that this entry wont take such a very long time. Life of working is okay, I mean well...I don't particularly like it, I have lost my passion to work really, but I still want to do my best in everything I do. That is the least that I can do anyway, if I don't like doing it....better to at least.... make it right. Yeah, that is how I think right now. Disappointing ain't it? Oh well, working in Klang sucks, with time......I have learnt to just go to work without any feeling, do my job and go home. I am deteriorating. I know!!!!! SOS!!!! SOS!!!! 

On my journey back to Kajang, Hazim told me about all his future plans....about wanting to take his MRCP, see the world....work his ass off till he gets loads of money and come back to be a lecturer in UiTM. I mean, I used to have all that...those dreams...continuing my studies with MRCOG or masters in OBGyn, considering I am a bit deficit on the financial area....return to UiTM and teach. That used to be my dream....I wonder what happen to all that. Where is my PASSION??? Truthfully, I love OBGyn, still do......I feel connected with the patients, I LOVE to hear their stories. They share tips with me about pregnancy and stuff, I am really interested to hear all of their stories and worries, as a BONUS, i can play with their babies......the babies are just wonderful little things....they smile in their sleep, blow bubbles from their mouth....goshh! I really LOVE babies. Sometimes, I feel like wanting one of my own too, maybe one day...when I found the right guy. 

I think goin to work, the best thing about it is that, I always felt trilled when I am stitching ppl...currently, all I am stitching are vagina....but seriously, I like it. I like stitching ppl, see my work when its done. It is just exciting....especially when I managed to sew up the hymen together, its like giving the poor lady her virginity back. Its a nice feeling. Okay, before I make all ugys puke out there....I would like to stress it here that the best thing about working are the patients, i feel happy when they smile at me, thank me though I think I hadn't done anythg much for them, have them telling me that I am pretty on my post call days, though I haven't showered since 5pm the day before. Yeahh, I noe quite a shallow statement, but these little thgs kinda become the kinda things that left you smiling for the rest of that suckky day where your boss is giving you a hard time like not wanting to sign ur assessment paper and all that. Yeah S is the the most hateful person I have ever met, not only she is a money sucker monster....she is also a meannnnnn person!!! I just really hate her la. I feel so unlucky to be posted in her ward. 

Anyway...enough about work.....I was browsing the net yesterday....and I found these....

okay, what about this video.....two of the members of this band is actually my colleague....Andrew Yap (on drum) and Tan Hiang Liang (on bass). Seriously, it is quite funny to noe this, but I have to say their song are nice! I especially like this one.....called Bidadari

So, what do you guys think??
Haha...i think I should ask them to give me an autograph one of these days...haha things that you found on the internet. Pretty amazing huh?!?

What have I been up to.....hmm lets see, other than stalking the internet like nobody's business. I have been watching Parenthood Season 1 for one whole day yesterday, pretty touching story...leaving me feeling that I am not ready yet to be anyone parent. Parenting is a big responsibility and tiring. I am quite glad that I am still single actually, cz that mean that I can be selfish. I am allowed to think only about myself, I can use all of my free time as "ME" time. no obligations, no ONCALL at home, no crying babies at night needing nappy change or to be given milk or anythg like that. So I guess, right now....being single is a BLISS considering I am struggling to adjust to this whole housemanship thing anyway. I guess, Allah swt knows best....I am just grateful at how things are right now. Like a wise friend sed to me the other day....you have a lot going for you,  now..all you need to do is take things one step at a time...

oh fyi, i LOVE the Parenthood series <3

What else....oh yeah!! I'm like really craving for ice cream right now....the other day, my bestfriends and I went to this new place in front of Sekolah Yu Hua called the Ice-Room, their ice-creams are soooo nice!!! I can't stop thinking about it....I wana eat those AGAIN!!!! 

looks nice right??? 

here have some! ^^v

custard pudding

spagetti...yum yum...but subha sed it is not so nice....she added chili sauce to it...hehe

At the end of the day, I am just really glad to be able to hangout with these old folks...they are crazy ppl I tell you...but they are my bestfriends!!! Meeting them makes me feel that I am still sane despite of all the stresses that I get everyday. Wish we can hangout like this even wen we are in our 50's or 80's or 100's hahahh.....I MISS you gurls.....wish Mirae and Jenny was there too. 

I think that is all for this weekend, will try to blog more often....tho I think most of my precious time would be spend on sleeping, eating, dreaming and lazing at home...yeah I sounded like a FAT tabby cat....OBESE to be more specific haha....very sedentary lifestyle I am living right now, I am in a process of changing it pretty soon. Planning to start doin Pilates again...just finding the time to start. So anyway, Happy 53rd Independence Day Malaysia!!! I am proud to be living in this country....the Ramadhan is goin to an end soon....so all the Muslims selamat mengerjakan Ibadah puasa...may us all get hidayah and blessings from HIM. I hope I dapat cuti raya.....hehe better go now...Bye!! Till next time lovely people =)