21 August 2011


window to your heart

For the past 2 weeks...I was posted in Ophthalmology Department. Truthfully, this was supposed to be a blessing...I don't have to oncall. I go back approximately 5 o'clock everyday. But, I have to work every weekend and come to work at "6am" every day. Everyday of this posting...seriously I feel so miserable, I think the MO's there are all so la not nice. I am seriously missing surgery....and no its not because he is there. I missed surgery cause I feel like I'm doing something meaningful in surgery and not just a job that can be done by a clerk. So throughout that posting I think I've been rather rebellious, do as I like, come at watever time as I please...I don't have a very good relationship with the MO's. I seriously are not very proud with myself in this posting...tho I will get all my work done, try as hard as possible not to menyusahkan org but I myself know...my attitude in these 2 weeks are terrible. *Muhasabah diri*

What actually knock my senses and try to make me change was a Hospital CME that i attended last week. Last week's Friday, an Intensivist presented a case about this patient who poke an exotic snake while it was sleeping and got bitten. It was an interesting case despite keeping in mind that the patient kinda put himself into that condition, and maybe some ppl might think "serve him right, who asked him to be stupid enuf to disturbed the sleeping snake"...it was indeed a very lively CME. The speaker definitely managed to caught our attention as he goes on talking about how he managed to get the anti-venom from a Zoo in Singapore that saved the person's life and also his arm. Anyway, what really knock my senses was this case...it is a multidisciplinary case as it was first managed by the ED team, then the Medical team, The Anaest team as the pt was cared in ICU and also the Orthopaedic team. The HOD of the Emergency stresses upon how important it is to ensure we have good relationship with every departments and also our resources as it can help us a lot and in this case it helped in saving a patient's life. 

I guess...this applies not just in our working environment but in every single aspect of our lives. So, though it is already too late for me now...we all must always realized we can never work alone. We are not God, we have weaknesses...we are flawed so that others can compliment us, so that we will always remember we are the humble servant of Allah swt. No men is greater than his own Creator....so be humble, patient, forgiving...always be in good terms with everyone...InsyaAllah one day at times when we needed the extra help, things won't be so hard...    

Another thing is...their COMPASSION really amaze me. Seriously, lepas dengar CME to cam semangat kobar2 nak kerja...these ppl they have been working for so long...how did they tahan with all this crap, unfairness....i guess the word is COMPASSION. I guess if you are compassionate enough...money, tiredness...all this is not so important as long as you can see that your patient is safe and sound, as long as you can help to make someone feels better...and that will be all that matters...Wallahualam