Ntahla...I noe by saying this may seem a bit bizarre and over exaggerating of me. But why do I feel like people in my life is changing??? I mean like abruptly change. And I am clearly lost in the middle of the road....watching them walk without even taking a second to look at me. For instance, some friends of mine have found new friends to associate with. I have a good feeling that I am not on their top list anymore. What's more, my position of priority may even have change. Maybe the way that they look at me also have change. The way that they think about me is not the same. The things that used to be something that they want to do with me has become some sort of responsibility for them to fulfilled. I mean don't everything that have happen has some meaning?.
I have come to realized that people words are lies...until proven otherwise. We can't really depend on people. We depend on ourselves. We are our own strength. Because not all friends will turn back and help us, when we cry for help. Sometimes, they will only do so out the feeling of responsibility. Sometimes they won't even turn to help us at all. Worst of all...sometimes they turn back because they needed our helping hands or when they wanted to have fun. But sometimes when we are lucky....we'll find that friend who is always there through thick or thin...no matter how bad our condition are, no matter how much we troubled them, no matter how impossible, how overwhelmingly annoying we are...they are there, listening and talking to us...helping us through it all. Never even occurred to them to leave us, so that their life would be a little bit easier. Hmm...with all of these being said...maybe, I am not such a good friend either...
Most of the time....individuals that could do this for us are our family...but sometimes, you'll find it in a stranger that you can later call a true friend. If you ever find this kinda friend. Keep her/him real tight. Because they are one of the people who you can only find very rarely in your path of life....
p/s : to those friends of mine... I dunno wats on your mind anymore but I hope you are happy now. I will find my way...so dun you worry about me. Oh wait, I forgot, you don't.