11 November 2010


I've been so ridiculous one whole day yesterday, feeling depressed over sumthing that hasn't happen yet. I guess I'm just scared, nervous, sad, SCARED, NERVOUS, SCARED!!!! owhh...i've sed that already...I guess certain things we just can't runaway from. Whatever it is...we have to face it, sooner or later....some people say its better if it is sooner. haihhh I guess....


My misery....means that I've passed my first posting Obgyn, I'm really grateful and relief that I've managed to get thru Obgyn (supposedly to be one of the hardest posting, but i dun really thk so). I'm already missing Obgyn...I'll definitely miss delivering babies....owhh god wen will I ever get the chance again. But we have got to move on....the only constant thg in life is change rite? So now....I'm moving on to Medical Posting, Hopefully I'll have a smooth sailing 4 months....I'm scared of what awaits, but I also noe that I have to learn...this is another step for me to learn how a be strong, matured, independent women and most of all a doctor. I'm goin to be 24 soon right? Well, about time I learn depend on nobody else other than myself.

Yeah about one month from now...it will be my 24th Birthday....traumatic? yes? no? ntahla...I have to say that I am not expecting anything. I just hope that I'll remain happy, I hope I'll always have the ppl that I love here wif me. I hope things will work out alright. I dun expect any present or celebration truthfully because I can still remember what happened last year. It was pretty bad and very very hurtful...not too mention. So its better that I have nothg  this year...cz at least dreams and hope won't be crashing down once the truth is out. Prevention is always better than cure right? Eventho things have definitely change these past 4 months....life is almost perfect. But, watever that has happen is still fresh in my mind like it was just yesterday...I'm not one who hold grudges, but I'm being careful....in this case, I better be.

For my end posting holiday, I and mira went for a little road trip to Penang.....it was nice, tho i tak dapat mandi laut which is a very disappointing  thing to have happen. But it was nice nonetheless....kinda like our own Eat Pray Love version....but in our case it is EAT PRAY SHOPPING!!!!  =)


the oldest school in Malaysia

with Francis Light the statue


Love Lane...hehe schweeeettt!

 Masjid Negeri

 Naik Beca...

the Beach...

and most importantly...
char kuey tiaw and laksa penang!!!

that is the end of my trip
glad to be spending it with this lady

thanks Mira! I had a nice time...hopefully we can have another Road Trip soon!!!

so anyway...yeah somebody asked me to do smthing productive to take my mind off things....after this i need to do house chores, do groceries shopping, maybe bake cupcakes...weee...heheh...I seriously need a lot of luck people....do pray that i can get thru this no problem. I seriously dun understand why I am so scared...but I am. I want to be stronger than this. Mimi sed I dun need luck, I have guts....i pun dun understand la wat she means by that. But I have to fight this!!!!! Yooossshhaaaa!!! Fight Fight Fie!!!!

Wish me luck!! Pray for me people =)