15 December 2011

A Little Appreciation

On your birthday who should be the one who we celebrated most?? Its your mother...she is the one who endure all the pain and fight for her life to bring you into the world and if she didn't do a good job at it....you wont be here as perfect as you are....on your birthday, say thanks to your mum. As everybody is wishing and celebrating you, everyone forgot about who brought you here safe (other than the doctor/nurse and the power of Allah s.w.t)

Thank you Ummi, for risking your life and saving me. I love you sooo sooo much!!!!!

this is the birthday cake that I got from my mum for my 23rd birthday. At that time I was having a very difficult time...My bestfriends failed me, my exams is nearing...stressful times and she was there for me always.... sometimes maybe she don't really understand but she will try her best to be there and cheer me up....never failed. My mum, my saviour, always <3

p/s Sorry Ummi, though finally realizing this....I did not celebrate my birthday with you again this year....I am really2 sorry.....For everything, I just wana say thank you....