31 August 2009



Wishing Happy 23rd Birthday to Eja (19th August) and Zatil (27th August) Hope that you guys will have lots and lots of love, laughter, luck and luxury this year!

btw...korang dah tua, saya muda lagi (^^)v


Thursday. 20th August 2009

Went out with Zatil, Tiey and Yasmin.


Psychiatric Posting (tgk video...je)
Medicine Posting ( NOT with Mr. Muffles =D)
Peadiatric Posting ( Long case biliary atresia)
Fie (me)
Obstetric and Gynaecology Posting (transverse NOT oblique)

adventure to de-stress begin!

Yasmin yg lambat..hehe

the WOman behind the wheel

pergh...jam la pulak

sesi luahan perasaan~exam review

jalan2 kat shopping mall

jumpa benda seperti ini...

...ini (i wanna read this!!)...

dan ini...ini adalah kesukaan Yasmin

dah penat jalan..jom gi makan!!!

muka-muka yang dah tak sabar nak makan..hehe ;)

makan ini...

ini (yum yum!)...

ini (uh-oh)...

dan ini (dessert!)

dah kenyang...jadi doink seperti ini..heheh =)

I had a great time with u girls!!!
a great post-exam therapy


~sorry la lambat update~

30 August 2009


Hate it when my phone got cut off...
I wanna talk you...
Where are you?

Good nite. Sweet dreams...

Dear Magic Flute

I dun like to ask questions especially the ones that will lead to awkward moment..
But people are asking me questions that I can't answer...
And my mum has started to become cautious and suspicious...
Oh ! this is not good...
I don't like this at all...


28 August 2009

Sedekah Al-Fatihah...

5.00 pagi


Al-Fatihah untuk Ust. Ismail Kamus yang baru menemui Allah sebentar tadi...satu kehilangan yang besar buat agama dan negara. Al- Fatihah...semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat kepadanya. tolong forward sms.

9.00 pagi


Maaf3...berita tadi tu salah Ust. Ismail Kamus ada di Mekah. Esok balik. Allah lanjutkan usianya. Amin


Hmm...begitulah yea, kehebatan dunia berteknologi tinggi sekarang ni. Sampai berita kematian pun macam boleh jadi satu gossip artis yang terhangat di pasaran main pass2 ikut sms sesuka hati tanpa diperiksa asal usulnya...astagfirullah...fikirkanlah...

Apa-apa pun di sini saya ingin meminta kita semua sedekahkan Al-Fatihah kepada...

Allahyarham Ustaz Mohd Asri Ibrahim, iaitu ketua kepada kumpulan nasyid Rabbani. Arwah Ustaz Asri yang berumur 40 tahun dipercayai meninggal dunia kerana serangan jantung pada 13hb Ogos 2009/22hb Syaaban 1430H

Allahyarhamah Yasmin Ahmad, iaitu seorang pengarah, penulis dan penerbit filem. Arwah di fahamkan meninggal akibat strok ketika membentangkan kertas kerja di Seri Pentas pada 29hb Julai 2009/4hb Syaaban 1430H

harap masih belum terlambat


Kematian adalah satu peringatan kepada kita yang hidup ini bahawa hidup di dunia ini tidak lah kekal. Ianya adalah sementara umpama seperti sesuatu yang di pinjamkan. Suatu persinggahan, sebagai persediaan kita untuk bertemu Allah di akhirat kelak.

Hmm rasenya tak payahla cakap lebih-lebih. Cuba kita dalami lirik lagu nie dan ambil ikhtibar...

...perjalanan hidupku melengkapi sebuah kembara...singgah di rahim bonda sebelum berangkat ke Mahsyar....Di perhitung amalan penentu syurga atau sebaliknya...

...terbangkitnya aku dari sebuah kematian...kehidupan d sini bukan suatu khayalan...
...tetapi ia sebenar kejadian...

...sendiri bertemankan sepi...hanya kain putih yang membaluti tubuhku...terbujur dan kaku jasad di dalam keranda kayu...

...jantung berdegup kencang...menantikan malaikat datang...mengigil ketakutan dalam pekat di pandangan...

Dimanakah tempat kita?
Cukupkah amalan kita?
Selamatkah kita?
Bersediakah kita untuk bertemu denganNya?




Allahumma inni as'aluka salamatan fid diin (yang Allah, berilah aku keselamatan di akhirat)
wa 'afiatan fil jasad (dan kesihatan tubuh)
wa ziyadatan fil 'ilmi (dan bertambah ilmu)
wa barakatan fir rizqi (dan keberkahan rezeki)
wa taubatan qablal maut (dan taubat sebelum mati)
wa rahmatan 'indal maut (dan kasih sayang ketika mati)
wa maghfiratan ba'dal maut (dan keampunan setelah mati)
Allahumma hawwin 'alayya fii sakaratil maut (ya Allah permudahkanlah aku ketika sekarat/hendak mati).

27 August 2009

Quiz..sometimes i wonder why i take them..

If you are single, take this quiz.

Your Result: Stop Everything RIGHT NOW and call your "Back-Up Plan"

Congratulations, your Soul Mate is single, available right now and you have their phone number saved on your cell phone. You most likely talk to this person all the time. The problem is, you are too busy looking for that right person in all the wrong places. You have been dumped and disappointed countless times within the past few years, all because the people you've been chasing are too busy looking for their Mr or Mrs Right the same way you are. That is why you fail at love almost every time. But, you have 1 perfect partner in your life right now that you consider your 'back-up plan.' You don't want to attempt to date your 'Back-Up Plan' because if it doesn't work out then you are left starting from scratch. Its time to put that person center stage 'NOW' because it is quite possible that they are moving on and about to drop you totally. Who is that person you talk to regularly that may live out of town or isn't quite the 'winner' you're looking for, who always is honest, makes you feel good whenever you speak to them, has gone out of their way to accommodate you and would do anything for you if you asked? It's time to give them a call because you won't be able to much longer.

p/s : you would probably think i'm crazee...but i find this, funny. You got it all wrong my dear QUIZ...haih..

26 August 2009

akHiR kaTa...

Sebenarnya kalau ikut kotak hati, nak post benda baik-baik je bulan Ramadhan ni. Nak buang semua perangai tak baik saya ni jauh-jauh. Tak nak simpan rase tak puas hati, berprasangka mahupun rasa tak suka pada orang lain. Saya nak cuba senyum lebar-lebar dan bertegur baik dengan semua orang. Tapi hari ni saya sedar, tak semua orang akan suka pada saya. Tak semua orang boleh saya suka. Kadang-kadang tu elok lah kalau dia hidup di kehidupan dia dan saya dengan kehidupan saya. Tak payah campur adukkannya sebab tak kan sebati pun umpama minyak dan air.

End of story...lepas ini ikut sahaja nasihat cik Zatil ;)

25 August 2009

Quoted by

Imam Bukhari dan Muslim meriwayatkan daripada Nukman ibn Basyir r.a., sabda Rasulullah s.a.w. :

Di dalam jasad itu ada seketul daging. Apabila baiknya ia, maka baiklah jasad itu. Apabila jahat, nescaya jahatlah seluruh jasad itu. Ianya adalah hati

24 August 2009


3rd Ramadhan...

In the bus...

Radio : Kita kene sentiasa bersyukur pada Allah s.w.t...5 cara untuk bersyukur
  1. Kena selalu ingat bahawa setiap yang baik datangnya dari Allah s.w.t
  2. Berterima kasih kepada pencipta di atas setiap kenikmatan...ucaplah Alhamdullilah..
  3. Berterima kasih kepada orang lain yang telah membantu kita untuk mendapat kenikmatan tersebut
  4. Berkongsi kenikmatan tersebut dengan orang lain
  5. Bercerita sedikit tentang kenikmatan tersebut dengan orang lain ( yang ini kena berjaga-jaga sikit sebab takut akan menghala kepada riak)
...arrived at the hospital quite late...briefing was held in the middle of the level 11 hallway of the hospital....oh! I was posted in neonate for 2 weeks....Log book and schedule? Not yet printed...

Prof : I thought you guys was supposed to be on 1 week holiday??!!?? (-.-") ~ i wish!!!

In NICU....the babies look so fragile!!! gosh, almost all babies are only as big as ur arms...but they look so cute tho...(^^)v

Must always leave your white coat on the coat rack outside and wear a special white gown, mask and wash your hands (VERY IMPORTANT) before entering NICU.

...follow rounds with the specialist for 2 hours (macam nak patah pinggang berdiri lama)....then we were thought how to do a 'Newborn Screening'....take hx, ask about feeding, BO, PU, and sleep...before proceeding to PE (yay! more babies)....somehow I felt very spirited when it comes to doing PE...watch the doctor demonsrate the correct way to examine a neonate...(comel, gler baby tu rase nak cubit2 jer pipi montel die)....fontanelles, chest, abdomen, BO, spine, primitif reflexes etc etc etc....lastly Otoloni's and Barlow's test...look pretty simple, but i dun think it is that easy to elicit when the baby is crying...T_T

yay! let's go back to college!!
Fina : NOT YET! class with Prof on Drugs for Epilepsy in Children at 2.oopm ~ (-.-) zzZ

Fill in housemanship form to be send to Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia..gosh! yes, face the reality...you are going to be a doctor soon!!!

...back in college...

I'm so sleepy....tonite, there's a College's Ramadhan month opening ceremony...there's free food and our DEAN will be coming...

I'm so so so sleepy.....zZZ...tu je ;p

p/s : beringatlah kamu sebelum mengeluarkan kata-kata, kata-kata kamu mungkin akan menyakiti hati orang lain...

23 August 2009

2nd Day

Alhamdullilah selesai sudah 2 hari dibulan Ramadhan.

Di keheningan pagi lagi kami dah bertolak keluar dari rumah, kenapa keluar awal sangat? Well, nak hantar adik saya sorang ni balik Kedah la..tu pun die dah ponteng class BEL die hari ni. Saya tak bersalah dalam hal ni, walaupun saya yang pujuk adik utk ponteng tapi ummi dengan ayah yang bagi green light utk die ponteng 0=)

Ummi kata, "Biarla adik rase buka sehari kat rumah"

Saya tak ikut sebab esok dah start class. So, bosan tak bosan jugak duduk dekat kolej melanguk merenung empat dinding nie. Kawan baik sorang tu pulak asyik tido je. Penat sangat kot die kerja. So, melayan Zatil jela one whole day kat FB cause sama-sama kebosanan sambil2 tu baca2 article interesting kat internet. (sepatutnya masa nie saya luangkan utk belajar, tapi sangat takde mood)

Hari nie buka puasa berdua je dengan Jana, sebab semua orang tak balik lagi.

First time, bertarawih ramai2 kat dewan makan kolej. Kitorang panggil dewan makan tu Dewan UFO sebab bntuk die macam kapal angkasa alien..hehe..betul tak tipu...nanti one day saya amik gambar letak kat sini. Seronok jugak tarawih ramai2 kat sini walaupun lama. Tarawih kat sini buat 8 rakaat je, tapi in between 4 rakaat pertama and akhir...diorang buat tazkirah. Tazkirah hari ni pasal taubat. Hurmm...bila cakap pasal taubat ni...sesungguhnye banyak dosa2 yang kita lakukan setiap hari samada sedar mahupun tidak. Jadi pemberi tazkirah tadi nasihatkan kita agar sentiasa meminta maaf sesama kita dan juga rajin2 buat solat sunat taubat, agar dosa2 kita diampunkan. InsyaAllah...

Ok, itu sahaja untuk malam ni. Saya kene tido awal cause esok kene bangun sahur sendiri, ummi dah takde untuk kejut saya T_T. (Rindunye nak sahur kat rumah dengan ummi, ayah, abang and adik)

Goodnite...jangan lupa niat puasa...

p/s : esok dah start posting peads!! wish me luck!!! ganbarimasu yo!!!!

Quoted by

Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda :

Sesiapa yang menghidupkan malam Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan dan mengharapkan ganjaran dari Allah, maka diampunkan dosa-dosanya yang lalu


WaviNG hAnDs, a KiSs and a HuG

Today my sister is going back to Sungai Petani.
Sedihnye...so happy to be having her here, i actually feel less lonely.
Lega sangat awak dah sembuh dik. (^^)

(saya nie mmg mcm kakak yg suka membebel, hehe taklah emosi je ni)

p/s good luck for your tests!!! (^^)p

thus, I am heading back to my cocoon... no wonder I'm so tak betul lately, been spending too much time in that cocoon. I seriously need some fresh air!!!

DisEasE...of the UnWeLL

If unhappiness is a disease, then maybe I have an illness that is on the verge to be chronic. I seriously don't know why I am so unhappy. Like for instance last week, I received a notice that says we have lost 2 weeks of our holiday and thus our PRO 3 Final Exam will be held 2 weeks in advance. Gosh! I was so upset about this that yesterday while talking about it, I had use unnecessary words to express my anger. And now, while I think more rationally, I regret it a lot. Dah la bulan Ramadhan kan...T_T

Truthfully saying, my life are not so bad. Well, it is not perfect but it is okay. To lists down things that I'm bless with, there are so so so many. Kinda make me feel like I don't know how to be grateful with all this kenikmatan that Allah swt has given me. How shameful. I just don't understand why am I always feeling so upset and lonely and so so so unhappy when they are so so so so many other happy things surrounding me.

Maybe you are right bro, I need to learn to be grateful. Stop thinking about unnecessary things too much. Take positive side of things and try to focus on what's important. All this minute things that has been meddling with my feelings and mind are just not worth it. Maybe I have to improved myself as a better Muslim too...so that my mind will be at peace. Mungkin hati yang asyik gelisah nie sebab iman tak berapa kuat, sebab tu fikiran pun asyik merayau tak tentu hala. Astagfirullah....T_T

So, I wana change. Life is too short to be so unhappy about. Plus, it is depressing to watch myself deterioriating and not getting any better. The bestest medicine is our own will to fight the disease, right. Before anything, I want to start by saying...


22 August 2009


Cut out heart by avondaleklr~deviantart.com

Today's post is inspired by a post posted by a dear friend of mine in her blog entitled Tentang Sesuatu . ( Nabilah, i hope you don't mind me linking it here in my page )


Everyone...or shall I say almost anyone in this world, are always looking for this thing called 'LOVE'. Yes, what is love you guys? Honestly, I am still trying to understand this word LOVE.

When I was 4 years old, during my first train ride back to Johor. I cried on the train, no body know what is the cause, my Ummi give me some milk and hug me to sleep while my Ayah told me a story. LOVE

When I was 10 years old, I was transferred to a new class where everybody refused to be my friend. And I miss my old friends from my previous class so much that I refused to do any homework so that I'll be transferred back. One day, a sweet little girl came to me and say 'Can I be your friend?'. That is when I learn to have a best friend. LOVE

When I was 17 years old, my Atuk died. Suddenly, I start to missed his presence and all of the memories when he was with me keep on flooding back and put me to tears. LOVE

Till now...I have received a lot of love from my family and friends. But today, I am not gonna talk about LOVE that u got from your family and your caring friends or even the eternal love that you got from ALLAH swt. Today, I am gonna talk about the LOVE that we all try to find in our life, that one person that you wanna call THE ONE. A person that will be there to hold our hands while time draws wrinkles onto our skin and our birthday cake began to need more of that big candles. Yes, I'm talking bout that kind of LOVE.


1.How to find the perfect guy?

I often hear these quotes when it comes to choosing the right person:

"Choose someone who love you, and stop chasing those who don't"

"When you want to fall in love, find somebody who will be willing to catch you"

I think the major flawed in women is that, we like to fix somebody. When we find somebody who is always seems to be emotionally retarded with women, we want to be the one who makes him have feelings and emotions. When we find a bad guy, we want to be the one who make him nice. When we find a Casanova, we want to be the one who make him be a one women guy. So we go around chasing all of the dysfunctional bad guys that are not really into us who will end up breaking our hearts while there's so many other perfectly functional guys out there who are begging for us to love them. LOVE is not about finding someone who need to be fixed, it is about finding someone who love you back.

"If a guy LOVE a girl, he'll make it happen....If not, HE IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU!!!"

2. How do you know if that person is the one?
Well, I don't think anybody can answer that unless those who really had find the one, because we will never know. Happy couples...broke up, happily married people...divorce.

"...find a life partner who is beautifully imperfect to you."

Because, we are only human. To find somebody perfect, we ourselves are not perfect. Find somebody who can accept you the way you are, love you for who you are. Because loving somebody is not about finding perfections, it is about accepting and loving the imperfections.

3. How do you know it is true love?

Taken from A walk To Remember..

"Love is always special...and kind... it is never jealous Love is never boastful..or conceded. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take advance...it is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people sadness ...but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse..to trust, to hope, and to endure... to whatever comes..."

To those who have found that someone, congratulations. To those who haven't...stop chasing those who don't love you. Start giving chances to those who does. And always have faith that one day, you will find that true love...

p/s M, Congratulations on the happy news!!! I'll try to make it to your engagement =)

21 August 2009

FaStinG moNth begin...

Salam Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Selamat mengerjakan ibadah puasa
Jangan lupa tarawih!!
Semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan Ramadhan


p/s mohon maaf atas semua kesilapan saya yea kawan-kawan

19 August 2009

Hey there, take care of yourself ya. Get well soon.

18 August 2009


Today, i can't stop singing to these lines...T_T
I don't know why I'm only in the mood for this kind of songs je lately...listen carefully...maybe some of you know what it feels like to be hopeless....

You're in and out, up and down
Wonder if you're lost or found
But i got my hands on you
Are you strong enough to tow the line
Are you gonna make me yours
Or do i make you mine
I'm in and out i'm up and down
Wonder if i'm lost or found
But i need your hands on me now


17 August 2009

What can I say? I am just upset okay. And no, I don't wanna talk to you.

14 August 2009

Love these...

Since I never got time to posts anything properly, hope you guys enjoy these videos. =)

Mortarboard and Cloak

Far, Mira, Subha and Nabila
Uguys have manage to get thru the torture and survived!
Give urself a pat on the back =)

Sorry that I can't make it to the Convocation.

here are cupcakes, one for each one of you ladies

p/s take lots of pics and tell me all about it alright

12 August 2009

I wish I could have a hand full of COOKIE this weekend... :(

11 August 2009

Malam ni kan...

Tonite I nak merepek sikit, yela dah malam kan...kepala pun dah jadi ngoi skit. Hurmm...kita mulakan dengan ayat ini...kebelakangan nie rase macam2 benda tak kene. Macam cepat nak marah pun ade gak (hyperthyroid ke? check, no thyroid swelling detected). Hurm kenapa ya? Apa yang di risaukan? hmm mungkin exam dah nak dekat. Lagi2 salah kan exam aje kita nie. Mane tak nye...kejap2 je exam...exam...exam...Tapi kan korang, kebelakangan nie mmg slalu sgt rase macam ade satu benda yang nak diluahkan. Macam dah lama sangat terbuku kat hati nie. Bila nak cakap, lidah tu jadi kelu pulak. Sebenarnye sometimes cam tak tahu pun macam mane nak susun kata2 tu. Takut silap kata, nanti orang tersilap tafsir pulak. Bahaya sebenarnya kata2 nie. Kalau kita tak jaga banyak jugak la musibah yg boleh terjadi. So macam mane yea, nak luah kan tak tahu nak cakap macam mane. Mungkin juga belum sampai masanya. Hurm...mungkin ade baiknya jika kita membisu. Apa yang berlaku, biarla kite sorang je yang tahu...

Selamat Malam

09 August 2009

OuT of the CoCOoN

Last Friday, I finally managed to get out of my cocoon to a beautiful place called 'Garden' where me and my darling friends came out to ponder the beauty of fake flowers, plastic bees, butterflies and birds, while enjoying delicious food inside One Utama Shopping Center. HEE. LOL

But seriously, to those who haven't been to Garden should go and have a Garden experience. Highly recommended to those who ever dream of a garden wedding, who's totally into flowers and well those out there who loves everything lovely, girly, and romantic. You wanna know why? Well just check out these pictures and you'll understand why.

Mind you, I am not well experienced with all the food that they have as this has only been the second time I dine there. And both time, I've been there we keep on ordering the recommended lunch set. So, mmg not experience sgt with the ala' carte menu and we've never tried the dessert eventhough it looked so DAMN delicious. WHY?? because we were always so full for any dessert. So, I can't comment much about the food tho...all I can say that it is quite cheap compared to other restaurant in OU. Hey, seriously where else can you get a spagetti set in OU that come together with soup and a drink for RM14? right? Ceh ceh macam promoter pulak, kalu diorang bagi I komisen takpe jugak...fufufu~~

Smiley soup ;)

Anyways, back to my story-mory...yeah, after spending hours of gossiping, catching up, and heart-to-heart talk. We pun start la our shopping adventure, I'm so happy cause I finally found a perfect replacement for my super kontot eyeliner. YAY!! I even got myself an eyelash curler for only RM10...ngeh ngeh ngeh...if my mum tahu nie mmg habis la me (ni semua pengaruh zatil la nie).

Then, the time goes by...tgk2 dah pukul 2.15pm, pukul 3pm ade PPD. So, we rushed back to Selayang for our class. Even though it was only for 4 hours...I really had fun! Been quite a long time tak hangout with ugys, too bad Tiey was not there. Sorry Tiey, nnt we kluar lagi after exam k?

Yasmin and Zatil

So now I'm back to my own cocoon again, with TONs on studying to do.

The days

Lately, nothing ever go right. The internet are always so slow. The laptop seems to be having its own mind, as it will always turn off by it self. Gosh! I have a feeling that the time has come for me to buy a new one. But, I don't have any money!!!!!!! isk...isk...

04 August 2009

ImPOrtAnt uNtiL PrOvEn OthErwiSe

Hari ini mmg banyak kerja yg perlu diselesaikan,
write up,
homework Dr. Jega,
study, study, study,
so, akan mengadap komputer yg dah nyawa2 ikan nie jela
'D' mesti terharu...huhuhu ;p

Btw, hari ni tetiba satu pemikiran yang meresahkan jiwa datang. Rasa sangat jahat bila ada pemikiran macam ni tapi sometimes bila benda tu asyik berulang, dan sampai satu tahap yang buat kamu rase naik fed-up. Rase macam malas nak ambil tahu pasal benda tu sebab benda tu dah tak diperlukan dan nak buang benda tu jauh2. Teruk kan? Kejam sangat ke sampai hanya disebabkan sedikit kesusahan benda tu di pinggirkan. Aduh! apalah nak jadi dengan saya nie, dimanakah peri kemanusiaan??? Astagfirullah...

03 August 2009

Quoted by

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:
Sesungguhnya Allah sentiasa memberi rahmat dan Malaikat-Nya serta penduduk langit dan bumi - sehinggakan semut dalam lubangnya dan ikan di laut - sentiasa berdoa untuk sesiapa yang mengajarkan perkara-perkara yang baik kepada orang ramai.

PurPLe LaDy

Today is such a tiring..tiring day that even now i wished that I could just lie down and sleep. But that is not an option as I have a writeup to be done T_T

I wore this to class today.

Hehe sangat suka baju nie cz it have cute little flowers, its purple and the nicest part is baju nie tak payah gosok~ very practical =)

Ummi, nanti nak baju macam ni lagi...

02 August 2009


Hari ni terdengar satu khabar yg sangat men'tension'kan!!! My O&G exam is in two weeks time. Gosh! untuk orang yg rajin study mungkin berita ni tak la tension mane. Short case je kot. Tapi untuk saya yg slalu di awang-awangan nie...hadoii tensionnye!! camane nak abes bace Obs Gynae in two weeks??? Di samping tu masih ade banyak kerja sampingan yg perlu diselesaikankan...write up, seminar...haih...okay, saya tahu mengeluh tu menyebabkan kita hilang 10 rezeki...astagfirullah. Hurm..nampaknye memang kene redha dah berusaha sebaik mungkin sepanjang dua minggu nie. Paling sedih sekali, habesla plan saya nak pergi konvo kawan-kawan rapat saya tu T_T. Semua yg terjadi nie ade hikmah kan. Jadi mulai sekarang kene ganbatte!! ganbatte!! ganbatte!! Shinpai shinaide...insyaallah saya akan dapat harungi semua nie dgn tabah.

Lagi satu masalah saya adalah...sejak start semester baru nie saya sangat tak lalu makan bila kat kolej. (Balik rumah hari tu saya makan banyak ;p) Ada orang tegur, "haih rindukan somebody ke?". Hurm...apa kene mengena rindu dengan tak lalu makan pun saya tak paham. Saya rase ni semua salah makcik cafe yg ikut sedap hati die je nak tutup atau nak buka cafe, dah untung sangat agaknye. Sebab saya memang malas nak menyeberang jalan sorang2 pergi beli makanan, sebabnya :

1. saya tak suka jalan sorang-sorang
2. saya takut dengan kawasan tu sebab banyak pendatang asing
3. saya tak suka makan sorang-sorang..hehe ni macam sama je dgn yg no.1
4. saya dah terbiasa ada orang slalu teman saya makan/belikan untuk saya T_T

Kamu semua mesti tanye knapa hari ni saya ckp dengan sgt skema-rama...hahaha..sebab saya nak jadi skema sekejap mulai hari nie ;p

peace out

LittLe MeMoriEs fRoM tHe HoLiday

Pictures from my holiday ~ TEEHEE

These are pictures from my amateur attempt of making cupcakes.

Day out with the kids. I think this is the first time we ever went out just the 3 of us (^^)v

Thanks uguys, without uguys my holiday will be so damn BORING. hehe Btw, next holiday we should play LIFE again...this time I'm so gonna defeat you bro! haha..and no cheating this time ;p
Thanks adik, for listening to me whinning, complaining and laughing at my jokes (I know how lame they are). Seriously will MISS you guys so much. LOVE ALWAYS...

01 August 2009


I'm back in Selayang. Goodbye Holiday.