But seriously, to those who haven't been to Garden should go and have a Garden experience. Highly recommended to those who ever dream of a garden wedding, who's totally into flowers and well those out there who loves everything lovely, girly, and romantic. You wanna know why? Well just check out these pictures and you'll understand why.

Mind you, I am not well experienced with all the food that they have as this has only been the second time I dine there. And both time, I've been there we keep on ordering the recommended lunch set. So, mmg not experience sgt with the ala' carte menu and we've never tried the dessert eventhough it looked so DAMN delicious. WHY?? because we were always so full for any dessert. So, I can't comment much about the food tho...all I can say that it is quite cheap compared to other restaurant in OU. Hey, seriously where else can you get a spagetti set in OU that come together with soup and a drink for RM14? right? Ceh ceh macam promoter pulak, kalu diorang bagi I komisen takpe jugak...fufufu~~
Then, the time goes by...tgk2 dah pukul 2.15pm, pukul 3pm ade PPD. So, we rushed back to Selayang for our class. Even though it was only for 4 hours...I really had fun! Been quite a long time tak hangout with ugys, too bad Tiey was not there. Sorry Tiey, nnt we kluar lagi after exam k?