23 August 2009

DisEasE...of the UnWeLL

If unhappiness is a disease, then maybe I have an illness that is on the verge to be chronic. I seriously don't know why I am so unhappy. Like for instance last week, I received a notice that says we have lost 2 weeks of our holiday and thus our PRO 3 Final Exam will be held 2 weeks in advance. Gosh! I was so upset about this that yesterday while talking about it, I had use unnecessary words to express my anger. And now, while I think more rationally, I regret it a lot. Dah la bulan Ramadhan kan...T_T

Truthfully saying, my life are not so bad. Well, it is not perfect but it is okay. To lists down things that I'm bless with, there are so so so many. Kinda make me feel like I don't know how to be grateful with all this kenikmatan that Allah swt has given me. How shameful. I just don't understand why am I always feeling so upset and lonely and so so so unhappy when they are so so so so many other happy things surrounding me.

Maybe you are right bro, I need to learn to be grateful. Stop thinking about unnecessary things too much. Take positive side of things and try to focus on what's important. All this minute things that has been meddling with my feelings and mind are just not worth it. Maybe I have to improved myself as a better Muslim too...so that my mind will be at peace. Mungkin hati yang asyik gelisah nie sebab iman tak berapa kuat, sebab tu fikiran pun asyik merayau tak tentu hala. Astagfirullah....T_T

So, I wana change. Life is too short to be so unhappy about. Plus, it is depressing to watch myself deterioriating and not getting any better. The bestest medicine is our own will to fight the disease, right. Before anything, I want to start by saying...