30 January 2010

DeMaM The Script!!! MaSyuKk

Currently, I am madly in LOVE with this band called 
: :  THE SCRIPT  : :
It all started when I was listening to Rick D's weekly top 40 on Hits.fm and they talk about this No. 1 Irish band in the UK. That was when I first listened to their single Break Even which really caught my interest. Then, my friend Fina told me about their single The Man Who Can't be Moved which is a really really  sweet song (^^)v. But, thanks to Faizal...NOW, I am seriously in LOVE with this band!!!!
I just cant stop listening to the album. 
The vocal are nice, the lyrics are just too deep and too meaningful for me not to fall madly in LOVE with them, the musics are catchy...and it is INDIE...huhuhu I am so in love with anythg Indie lately.

to those fresh brain who dunno who on earth The Script is check this video out!
This is my favorite song of the album, it is called Before the Worst. ENJOY!!