07 May 2010

Post-Mortem Professional 3 Exam

Hahah...baru sekarang ade konfiden nak cakap pasal exam...anyway, I still think I screwed up my MCQ pretty badly....my clinical exam was pretty okay....better than MCQ I must say, tho I dapat the Dean as my examiner, but I got an O&G case...so there wasn't much that he could asked from me....phew!!! but to say that I escape his questions all together mmg silap besar la kan...its the Dean, so what do you expect??? People in UKM used to faint okay at the sight of him being one of the examiner....that's why they dun invite him as their external examiner anymore.

So for long case, I got uncomplicated fibroid case in which the lady actually presented with acute urinary retention....but the lady was very obese...her BMI was 37. Her face looked rather plethoric to me...when, I first saw her....I actually thought that maybe this is a case of Cushing Syndrome or PCOS ker.....heheh....I was pretty lucky I guess, cz the patient was very nice, very cooperative.....and the history was pretty straight forward as she dun really have any other medical condition.....just some psychological issues as she has yet failed to conceived with her 2nd husband even though she already had 2 children with her 1st husband.....so biaselah org lelaki kan, nak anak...then ugut2 the wife if takde anak jugak die nak kawen lain. To me la very inappropriate kot the husband, dahla die yg tak bagi operation fibroid tu 8 years ago....dan dan nie nak salah kan isteri die pulak....she is already 42 kowt, tho mmg la still can conceived but quite dangerous kowt....haihh... so anyway...the long case I think I did pretty okay, as Dr. Punithan pun sgt baik..hehe

For short case, I dapat case Thalassemia in Peads (kinda expect this already) that i was mistaken for lipoma at first -.-, macula sparring unilateral partial 3rd cranial nerve palsy for medicine and right complete irreducible indirect inguinal hernia for surgery....Okla, the examiners are all nice, tho I have a feeling that they were having such a great time laughing at me...but I think it was okay..hehe. So that's all about my exam...dah abes dah pun...for more info blh check out this website in which my batch buat to kumpulkan soalan for future use :

clinical exam PRO III Batch of 2005/2010 UiTM