31 July 2010

Hello Midas.....Money Don't Grow on Trees

Anybody miss me yet??? Haha

Anyhoot... today i'm off from work, from the stressful ambient of the hospital, from the screams and shouts, from my OD dose of scolding, from the BIATCH people that I have to work with. Really la.....I make it sounded like working life is not at all FUN. But it is actually kinda fun working, u finally managed to do all those things that you used to just read on books. Application of knowledge, its exciting!. 

But the people are so BIATCH lah.....I really hate it. I do have a handful of people that I can sort of teamwork with and help each other in working together, and I am really thankful for that. But there are some people that I just can't take it la....like I have this specialist, highlight that okay....a specialist, graduated oversea, she will ask us RM 5 from every writing mistake that we made. U imagine, just one morning....she managed to get at least RM20 from 7 of us HOs in the department. I feel like this is so unfair......i mean she got easy money. For those people who money isn't a problem probably don't care about this. But I do care, my family have money issues, I don't think it is fair or justified enough that a SPECIALIST taking money from her  junior houseman. I mean, we work our ass off okay. I probably don't mind to get scolded or punishment. But money is something that you have to earn okay, it is not free or easy to get...how is it fair that she just get an easy money from all of us???? I say, if u want EXTRA money go and do locum la BITCH!!!!!!! 

Currently, I just feel so thankful that I am away from all that. Having my own sweet time at home. Away from worries, constant thought repetition about whether I've done a good enuf job or not. I am really obsessive la in that sense. I just feel really blessed, everything at home is still the same. I love to be home. I love my parents, I love my comfy bed. I seryesly feel like crying right now typing all this. I really regret la not applying for Kajang. But I can't regret now.....I have to keep holding on. Besides, things are not really that bad, I have my bestfriends with me there...I am really2 thankful to have them there. Zatil, who listen to me complaining every evening, Fye who help me study wenever we are free, if it weren't for Hazim....I wouldn't even be home today.......so I am just really glad.....I am really glad to have all these people around. I am trully2 blessed. 

Working life aren't all that bad lah....I guess, I made new friends.....it was fun. Everyday after we finished working we will bitch about work...laugh it off, and go home, tomorrow we will come to work again fresh and motivated, then the cycle continues....I am just hoping that I can survive this 2 years...I hope I will be able to become a polished, good, safe competent muslim doctor.....insyaAllah. I am just hoping for the best, I'm doing my best, I just hope Allah swt will blessed my effort every step of the way and may I have a smooth sailing journey. Hopefully I'll be given a strength and courage to face every obstacles and challenges that is coming my way....Aminnn