16 April 2012

A Day in Red Zone

I wasn't expecting that I'll be in Resus this week. I don't know where they should put me, but I wasn't expecting Resus. Phew! What a day!!! Started the day by having 3 cases coming in at one go. Then, during Grand rounds with the HOD I kene screw habis2 pasal ABC. Semua org tgk...malu sgt2 sehh. But, its okay we are all learning kan. Hmm then the day went on and on and on and without I realized it has already passed lunch time. Yang ajaib nye, dalam busy2 tu I sempat makan nasi bli kat cafe!!! Haha...sgt xleh bla k. Macam2 sangat I tgk harini...severe bradycardia, hypoglycaemic coma, ureamia encephalopathy, status epilepticus, crash injury, malathion poisoning..etc etc...but the most exciting thing is I think, I managed to insert a CV line on my own today, Yerp! I'm that lame....my very first one on my last posting. Its late but hopefully it is not too late. Huhu but I'm happy...and that really made my day!

p/s : my Viral screen out all negative!! =))) very happy news indeed