13 April 2012

Happiness is...

There's no LOVE as perfect as Allah swt. His LOVE is truly unconditional, no matter what race, religion, gender, age, a good or a bad person you are His LOVE is there for you always. He will never let you down, and He will always be within your reach, He will always be there to listen to you, He will always be watching over you.. Isnt he sound like the perfect lover.

Why didn't I see this? Why have I lost my focus to gain your LOVE Ya Allah. When your LOVE is the most perfect. I have lost my sight for awhile, I did thgs that I am shameful of, I might hv trigger your anger, make you sad...Im sorry Ya Allah. I am the most imperfect servant, too ungrateful for all the blessings that I have and yet you never leave my side. Seeing your LOVE, I'm touched, for nobody will ever love me the way you do. In search of happiness, the happiness is Allah swt.