~Life update~
Hahah cam poyo jer buat life update kat blog sendiri, gaya cam ada beribu-ribu pembaca setia je...hohohoh. Eheh...takde lah, I soooo... know that my blog hanya ada pembaca yg boleh di bilang dengan tangan je as I dun tell about it to everyone. So anyhoot, life update...I am currently in Surgery Posting. Hmm...I don't la hate this posting, I think I am okay with it but I still don't like the smell of the surgical ward. It seriously make me feel nauseous. (Ceh, perangai cam tuan puteri je cakap macam nie) But seriously, ever since I've been to this same ward the first time I step into it as a clinical year student while I was in Year 3, my perception of it hasn't change. I thought that I would have get used to it by now...like somehow the smell won't bother me so much. Apparently it still does. So anyway, this is my second last posting as a medical student. Geez, takut kan kan kan....in like approximately 15 weeks I'm gonna sit for my PRO EXAM. To tell you the truth, I think I am on the verge of getting panic attack every time I think about my FINAL PRO 3 EXAMINATION in APRIL.
Seriously, it is time to focus now and be really really scared. Okay, not lah scared until impaired function to study pulak. Tapi kene focus lah, in which I dun understand why is it so hard for me to accomplish. If only reading medical books is as interesting as reading story books hahaha...i dun think that is gonna happen anytime SOON. So, new medical book authors should really take note that the next time they want to publish a book, MAKE IT INTERESTING and LESS TIRING. But, I have a feeling that it is an awful lot of hardwork to accomplish this as Medicine is all about fact and well fact are FACT. To make it interesting, you must be a hell of a CREATIVE doctor. Hmm, maybe someday..huhuhu. That's all for now...toodles >_<
ni adelah gambar mase first year, do I look the same? haha I think I've change a lot!!!