At last, we are almost at the end of 2009. What 2009 mean to me? It is a year that my baby sister has stop being my weekend roommate. A year that I managed to get a room of my own (well, still kongsi, but Murni is not always around >_<) A year that I decided that I wanna be short haired. A year that I managed to become green eyed for a month. A year that I started this blog. A year that people started calling me final year medical student (yea, sudah 5 tahun...burden burden). A year that I fully conducted a delivery and repair the vaginal tear all by my self *good memories*. A year that I become down shit BROKE!!! T_T. A year where I had most date proposals and love confessions, yet...haha. A year that I managed to have Japanese friends (Sugoiii!!) A year that has thought me true meaning of friendship and love. A year that has force me to accept that LOVE can make you blind and stupid (yeah, that actually can happen -__-"). Valuable lesson in deed. A year of realization. Year of epiphany. A year where I uncover the true colours of the people around me. A year where my logic has return (thank GOD!). A year that I can confidently say that I've gain 3 level up on maturity and inner strength each. As a conclusion, it is a bitter BITTER YEAR...full of experiences that has thought me a lot about life and my self in a way that I've never seen before. And for that...I am thankful to Allah to have LOVE and given me so much.
Hopefully 2010 will be free from this bitter BITTERness and will be filled with happy HAPPYness.