I realized that in life, there are so many ironies. It can be bad and sometimes it can be good. Some call it a sign, a guidance from God to us in an indirect manner. Some call it coincidence. Maybe it is just something that our mind are drugged into thinking about in a way TOO DEEP than it actually should. Either way, we all like it. It sort of give life a tinge of excitement, something to hold on too. Anyway, it keeps me smiling. Love to all the irony of the world.You keep me HAPPY. Now, that is a word that I haven't put myself in for quite a while. Have a nice weekend everybody, may all of us be BLESSED by Allah s.w.t....Amin. Inner peace is happiness.
Allah did not promise the way would be easy . But Allah did promise that He would be with you in every single step of life as long as you want Him to...
p/s : Hanis, thank you for reminding me on this =)