20 May 2011

A Tribute : to the one we lost and will never come back


  1. My Red Vostro 3400 *my baby D*
  2. My broadband
  3.  My memory card reader which I got together with my 'handphone daun' yg hilang gak while i was out snorkeling in Pangkor.
  4. My memory card which contain lots of pics of my Yr 1 and 2 in med skool
  5. My SONY camera charger, darn !!!
  6. Mt newly bought 500G hardisk
  7. ..and a few cds.. 
  8.  MOST important of all are my pictures, files, memories, ymchat, everythg....
15052011....i'll remember that night forever, the night when I thought I was just being generous added with extra stupidity and carelessness... the car window was broken,  and I lost all of the 8 things listed above...I duno if there were anythg else in there...if there is I just can't remember...haihh, maybe its better this way...

I was crying a river for at least 3 days straight, then all of it just felt numb.....i feel a little amount of emotion, when I remember I'll cry, sometimes just lost in a trance...I just can't believe, just because of one simple mistake...I've lost it all. May be it is not as bad as I pictured it to be... cause for whatever it worth nobody was hurt that night. Actually, I did not realized how bad my condition is until my dad come to pick me up on Wednesday....the journey home was all silence until, he sed "Hey, tak mo lah sedih2, benda dah hilang...kita kenang2 pun nak buat ape........just be glad that at least u lost some THING not SOMEONE". 

It really got me thinking, I am kinda glad that it is not my mum, my dad, my sis, my bro, or anyone in the family that I lost that night, I am glad it is not him too...yes, we always took for granted what we had till its gone...only then you know how valuable something, someone is to you....its like a reminder to NEVER take for granted what you have, cause it can be taken away from you with just a blink of an eye and when its gone, and you can never get it back.... that is one of the worst feeling that you could ever feel. Be thankful, that you are still here....be thankful for the blessings He gave you....Alhamdullilah, I am actually thankful that no body get hurt that night...

Make full used of all the time you have, live your life today like there's no tomorrow....fight for whatever worth fighting for before it is too late.....before time runs out...