Last Saturday, I catch this movie with my bestie. Seriously dunno what else to do especially on this bulan Ramadhan. My first impression about the movie...
best ke cerita nie?
you slalu pilih cerita yang tak best -.-
Well, turns out the movie was sooooooo niceeeeee!!! It is hilarious, schweet and full of family values. So to those who is having headache and need a little time out from all the work and stress and the drama of the earth, go watch this movie. Go have a good laugh!!! Hv a nice day ugys...(^^)v
p/s KZ kate bulan Ramadhan nie tak baik buat benda melalaikan...hehe KZ dah tak tahu ape nak buat la...takkan nak jalan2 je ;p
p/s KZ kate bulan Ramadhan nie tak baik buat benda melalaikan...hehe KZ dah tak tahu ape nak buat la...takkan nak jalan2 je ;p