22 November 2009

pOsitiVe cHaRGe

Sometimes in life, without we realize...we spend so much time focusing in the negativity of life we caused all of the positivity to feel left out and left us. Leaving us in a room of no doors and no windows to breathe let alone to go out to possibilities. I guess, I've been doing that a LOT and it has given me a lot of headache and problems. 

So hail to this dear friends!!!! Push away Negativity!!!!! (Die if you must) Rise up Positivity!!!!!

You all probably have no idea of what I'm talking about. But hey, who said that I want you guys to understand anyway. Haha! Yeah, I'm showing attitude again. Sorry, I just can't help it.

(to tell you the truth, I can't wait for what is install for me once it is over)
Till then, keep on smiling and let the POSITIVE things happen!!!