11 November 2009

tHinKinG is A diSeASe

Many people says 'don't count your worries but count your blessings' ' look at the world, there are other more unfortunate people other than you' 'be grateful for what you have, life could be a lot worst'....yada yada yada...

As much as I want to be very positive and accepting right now, I can't. Any other day, I would probably indulge in these wise words and take a deep breath and live. But, after I have mapped out all of the sequence of events, playback every memories and every conversation....somehow I realize that my heart don't talk about it anymore. It has become confused and weak. My source of strength to have patience has gone/become dysfunction! How does that happen? So....since the mind are the one in charge now... it does everything by RATIONALIZATION...

Rationalization 1
Are you happy with your condition right now?
If not, Why do you keep on going?

Rationalization 2
If  you like something so bad (so much), would you wait till later to get it even when you can get it now?

Rationalization 3
If you are willing to compromise for others so that they can be happy, don't others rationally be willing to compromise for you so that you will be happy?