19 June 2010

Don't let me GO???

Tonight, after listening to The fray for a gazzilion times.....singing Don't let me go! Don't let me go! Don't let me go!!!! that feeling of longing came again. Yeah, I do....I miss him. But, being together is not gonna help anything. Better be apart like this. I think I have to blame the song. I was doing quite well this morning err...I mean yesterday morning. I woke up at 6.30am....perform my Subuh prayer and sit in front of the lappy. I was gonna hit the bed again, but I had a good sleep the night before...miraculously...heheh...so i dun feel sleepy. I managed to download Remember Me, at last!!!....so while waiting for my parents to go to work...I decided to watch it...hmm an okay movie...I dun really appreciate the plot, I think the message that the writer is trying to convey are pretty weak and I don't understand why they fall in love, I dun even feel the depth of their love. Hmm...just 5/10 for me. But I do like the quotes though. Yeah, as you can see I have posted it before this....there's another one that I like which goes like this...

Everything you do in life will be insignificant, but it is very important that you to do it, because nobody else will
 ~ Gandhi

So anyway,  lepas dah tgk cite tu....for the first time since I left UiTM...I had a breakfast...it reminds me of all the times that I spend with Anis and Syu...sarapan pagi2....wahh rinduuunye. Bila la dapat duduk2 camtu lagi dgn diorang. Nenek masak roti bom pagi tadi, makan dgn kuah kari dan sambal tumis....mmg sedap!. Tetiba, rasa nak minum Nescafe...yea, sangat lama tak minum Nescafe....sejak abes exam haritu...mmg abandon tros..huhu. A thought came thru my mind....what a nice day this is....awal2 pagi dah hujan I LOVE RAIN!!!! Hee~ I had a good sleep the night before....no tossing and turning, I had a breakfast...hmm maybe, things are actually gonna be just fine...I can get thru this. I  do hope that I will though....I know, if you are my destiny...things are not gonna be this hard....

Oh well..maybe tomorrow is going to be another day of playing Happy Pets, looking at cute kitties and bunnies pictures, updating blog, facebooking, watching football..etc etc etc.....I am gonna be just fine...I'll make sure that I will!!!