Hey....ya I know... I promise to update, I was!!...but then I thought I shud u know... put back the sidebar blog lists of my friends, family and u know the blogs that I usually go to...before I realized... I was reading fashion blogs, going ooooohh!! and aaahhh!! over shoes, handbags and clothes.....yeah, sadly I am that kinda girl -_____-""" . Oh well, at least I know my boundaries...InsyaAllah takde la sampai ke tahap Rebecca Bloomwood...gosh!! hopefully....not!! haha. But kinda geram though....after looking at all those blogs and website...I am currently having a strong feeling of wanting to SHOP! SHOP! SHOP! But, I got no money lah....and I dare not to ask my parents for any money because.....oh well, they are gonna pay for my car, my duit minyak, my driving classes (cz I dah 3 years tak bawak kete), give me pocket money to hangout with my friends...Soon, nak bli barang for induction, my hoship cz most of my toiletries dah abes....plus they have to tanggung me for the next 4 months or so sementara nak tunggu my gaji...nampaknye terpaksalah membantut kan jer niat nak bershopping tuh. T_T
Most of my frens....well 75 out of 90 of my class yang pass their PRO 3 are going for induction this coming Monday....my days are going to be extra EXTRA empty....no more laughing at their drama on facebook...gosh!! I am so gonna miss them. Especially Zatil, now... nobody is going to listen to me quaking about the same never-ending problem again and again or calm me dwn wen I feel sad and lost. I know, I am exaggerating... but, it is definitely gonna feel a little bit empty...after diorang dah start kerja apetah lagi...bertambah2 busy...and before we know it, we are making new friends, living our own life, too busy to even look back....I'm talking from experience. Its sad....isn't it? But that is life....the only CONSTANT thing in it is CHANGE...thanks Hazim, you thought me that.
Anyhoot, bila I pulak nak start induksi?? Hmm InsyaAllah...15 July nie kot, together with another 14 other people yang nama tercicir for interview tu cz kitorang interview after PRO 3 (3 May 2010) while the others dah interview 1 month before PRO 3 lagi...but tula surat SPA pun kitorang tak dapat lagi...after dah dapat surat SPA tu baru lah boleh buat medical check up and surat sumpah while waiting for induction. I am praying hard to dapat Serdang.....memandangkan budak2 from UM, USM, UKM...banyak dapat their first choice. Anyway, as Zatil always ALWAYS said....ALLAH s.w.t. know best...so dapat mane2 redha jelah, maybe that is the place for me kan. But, ape2 pun hopefully I'll manage to find a gud support system kat the place that I will be posted tu....Amin...Amin...Aminnnn
pray for me too..okay =)
interviewer me
so Syafiqah which hospitals did you choose?
Serdang, Seremban, Sg. Buloh
Oh! I see....it seems that your choice are all the hospitals around Selangor...hmm
*thinking thoughtfully*
May I know why???
Well, I am the eldest in the family so I feel responsible towards my family, plus I'm living with my grandma and she is quite ill lately and she is hoping that I will be posted near our house. I also feel that my best support system are in Selangor so... I'm more comfortable to be in the area of Klang Valley. *phew!!!*
Hmm...but from what I see in your resume...you have been in Selangor ONLY all this while...
Oh, well...Allah swt knows best right? =)
interviewer me
so Syafiqah which hospitals did you choose?
Serdang, Seremban, Sg. Buloh
Oh! I see....it seems that your choice are all the hospitals around Selangor...hmm
*thinking thoughtfully*
May I know why???
Well, I am the eldest in the family so I feel responsible towards my family, plus I'm living with my grandma and she is quite ill lately and she is hoping that I will be posted near our house. I also feel that my best support system are in Selangor so... I'm more comfortable to be in the area of Klang Valley. *phew!!!*
Hmm...but from what I see in your resume...you have been in Selangor ONLY all this while...
Oh, well...Allah swt knows best right? =)