14 June 2010

Stages of Grief

Elisabeth Kubler Ross defined the stages of grief to be divided into...

1. Shock and Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining 
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

It is okay to undergo these stages of grief when something bad happen, it is normal. It is better if you can do it at full speed cause that means you don't have to suffer so much. But if you are stuck at one of the stages for a very long time....well, this is where we probably have a problem. I know, my posts has been very vague lately...somewhat heartbroken...then I don't know, most of it just crappy.......let just say...I 've lost someone I trust, someone that I really cared about...a friend...who I treasured very much. How? Well, I think we don't need to discuss that here. We are both wrong I guess... and I know he'll never change. I've been trying to keep it together but now, I just can't take it anymore so I have to let him go. Maybe we will be friends again in the future....but as of now...just take this time to be on our own and grow. Yeah...I am still grieving....

Anyhoot, enjoy this video : this is how Summer Robert (my favourite character from the OC) deal with her stages of grief when her BESTFRIEND Marissa Cooper died.

have I told you guys how much i LOVEEE SummerSeth as a couple before??? haha...I believe I have...Yeah, they are still my favourite TV couple EVERR!!!!

aren't they just the sweetest (^^)v  <3

p/s : pray that i'll find my Seth soon okay... =)