22 June 2010

Stressful Day

I think the title says everything.....from the moment I woke up till now that I am going to bed in a few minutes....everything just aint goin right...But, Alhamdullilah...I've managed to get my passport, settle the "SUMPAH" thingy...though I still haven't done the medical check up...but I guess I've managed to get most of the thg done. Plus I sign up for my driving class already....since the car is on its way, i better learn how to drive fast!!!! Anyway...mesti ada hikmah semua kejadian buruk hari ni terjadi....kan. Btw, I have a feeling that I am going to get Klang for housemanship....I dunno la whether that is a good thing or not. Anyhoot...I am trying not to excite my self into anythg that is unnecessary for now...especially this....I still got another one month to worry about this hospital thgy...Nite lovely people..

i DON'T wanna THINK about it!!!!!