30 July 2009

Month of Self-Improvement

Korang sedar tak sekarang dah bulan Syaaban? Sempena hari Khamis yg mulia lagi mendung2 nie nak berkongsi sikit dengan korang pasal bulan Syaaban. Syaaban tu dari definisinye bermaksud bercerai-berai. Sebab pada waktu tu masyarakat arab bertebiaran di merata-rata tempat disebabkan kemarau yang panjang. Tetapi ada sebahagian ahli hikmah yg cakap bulan Syaaban nie adalah kesempatan untuk memperbaiki diri dari segala kekurangan, sebab diorang kate bulan Rejab dulu adalah bulan untuk meminta ampun dari segala dosa. hurm make sense jugak kan lepas mintak ampun, harus la improve..betul tak? hehe

Okay, ape kelebihan bulan Syaaban nie sebenarnye..sememangnye banyak. Hmm mengikut article yg I bace la kan die kate yg paling best bulan Syaaban nie sebab ade malam Nisfu Syaaban. Malam Nisfu Syaaban ni adalah antara malam-malam yang InsyaAllah akan dimakbulkan doa. Sebab mengikut hadis Mu'az bin Jabal r.a. , Rasulullah s.aw. bersabda yang bermaksud:

Allah menjenguk datang kepada semua makhluk-Nya di malam Nisfu Syaaban, maka diampunkan dosa sekalian makhluk-Nya kecuali orang yang menyekutukan Allah atau orang yang bermusuhan ~ H.R.Ibnu Majah, at-Thabaromi dan Ibnu Hibban

Bagi menhidupkan malam ini, kita digalakkan membaca surah Yaasin sebanyak 3 kali dan doa untuk setiap satunya dengan niat, iaitu untuk dipanjangkan umur untuk bacaan pertama, memohon di jauhkan dari bala untuk bacaan kedua, dan memohon murah rezeki yang halal untuk bacaan yang ketiga. Selain tu, kita juga digalakkan banyak berpuasa sunat dan berzikir sepanjang bulan ni.

Semoga artikel ni dapat beri manfaat pada kita semua. Insyaallah...

29 July 2009

PoPcOrN weDnEsDay

hari ni adelah happy day.
sebab dapat spend time dgn dua org yg amat disayangi
tak kisah la, walaupun saya dah tgk cerita tu (ingat tak dialog nie, hee)

korang mmg sgt comel mase tgh order makanan
thanks sgt kat abang yg sanggup tunggu kitorang shopping..hahaha
hopefully u guys had fun, cz i did.


p/s: sorry la nk update gmbar tapi extension tak bawak balik. next time la kay ;p
hope we can do it again next time

Quoted by

Love is not about finding the right person,
but creating a right relationship.
It's not about how much love
you have in the beginning,
but how much love you built till the end.
Penelope Donna

Esok adalah Hari ini

hari ini kamu bergurau senda, bergelak ketawa
esok hari kamu mungkin menangis

hari ini kamu senang, masa banyak terluang
esok mungkin kamu sibuk, di tenggelami tanggungjawab dunia

hari ini kamu mampu terlelap, nyenyak di buai mimpi
esok belum tentu, kamu mampu membelai bantal

hari ini kamu berteman, dunia mu tidak sunyi
esok mungkin kamu akan keseorangan

hari ini kamu sihat bertenaga
esok mungkin kamu lesu kesakitan

hari ini dan esok, rintangannya berbeza
asal teguh pendirian hati dan pegangan
insyaAllah...diutuhkan hati, di tenteramkan jiwa..

28 July 2009

One and The Same ~Are we?

I came across this video yesterday. I thk these two BFF looks so cute. Don't you thk so?

26 July 2009


Hey...I'm home..
Due to the Influenza A flu, all UiTM students are on their mid semester break a month earlier. I know...I should be grateful. At least I'm on a holiday, kan. I think its because I baru je get my rhythm back going to class, study. I mmg suka complain...cause sebenarnye tak lah teruk sangat cuti sekarang ni pun, sebab... adik I pun cuti gak, jadi i boleh hangout dan cakap dengan die. Rindu kat die...sebab die sorang je slalu gelak dgn lawak bodoh I..hehehe..

saje letak gambar nie. awak suka kan? =)

Dari hari jumaat haritu, plan nak menelaah...tapi asyik tertunda. My mind nie asyik melayang je. So starting tomorrow, after kemas my room yg sangat berhabuk nie...I'll promise my self to study and to avoid any distractions..haha berkobar2 je. Hopefully I'll manage to do it. Plus, got another write up to send..so really gotta start working on it.

shopping time. thanks friend (^^)v

Yesterday, I really had fun. I think I have not laugh till my stomach hurts for quite awhile now. Eventhough it was just JJ Kepong, but somehow the simplicity works. Thank you for that, I really need it. Plus, I did some shopping!!! aha...thanks Ummi and Ayah for belanja'ing me. With that, I think I'm ready to spend my holiday. Well, its hard to comeby... so better make the most of it right. Gudnite everyone...

~saya tak memencilkan kamu, benci, mahupun marah terhadap kamu. tetapi jikalau kamu mahu memencilkan saya, saya redha~

25 July 2009

Quoted by

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow
Helen Keller

24 July 2009

CamPuS CloSeD?? nOt!!

Hello everyone...

What do u guys think about my new layout? Love it / Hate it

Sorry, that I've not been posting anything that actually make sense lately. I think I got lost in my own thoughts for a while. Well, a lot has happen. Some I rather not share it here I think. But, although not all are back to normal. I think I've started to see that beautiful sunlight peeping through the dark sky. TeE hEe..

Anyways, I'm no longer posted in the labour ward starting last Monday. So, now I have to start the dreadful days of following ward rounds, clinics, and bedside. THE HORROR!! I seriously prefer to be in the labour room, because I especially like hearing people screaming in pain and having the annoying sound of CPG as my everyday background music as I watch the babies being delivered looking all gross and slimmy..hehe. Well, I guess you gotta take what you can have, right? At least, I still can play with babies in the ward...OooH!! I love babies..but I've never even once change a nappy..haha.

Now that the weekends are here, I am wishing that I'll finally get that studying done!! Been seriously lacking behind these few days despite my anemic symptoms (alasan) =p Yup, I noe I'm a nerd..LOL

Today, UiTM Shah Alam has been closed due to H1N1. Kinda hoping that I have holiday too..hee..but I'm in Selayang. Therefore there's no association watsoever with Shah Alam Campus. Ala... based on experience..I don't think I will have a break even if I am in Shah Alam rite now, because as my Professor once said ~ we are training you guys to become a doctor, so no holiday for you unless you are paralyze. haih..that is life, not fair isn't it..Atleast, my baby sister is coming back due to H1N1..yay!!

22 July 2009

rEd aLeRt II

signs of reduction. Alhamdullilah. i seriously hope i'll be normal soon. please let it be. Allah, i just wanna be healthy...i still have a lot of unfinished business to do. =((

21 July 2009

Dear Magic Flute

There's a place in which i really wish to go...
Can you bring me there dear flute?
I left a piece of myself there...
I need it my dear flute, but I can't keep it with me
Can you grant me a magic carpet so that I can go there?
A magic carpet that will fly me there anytime, anywhere..
When I wish to see it, it will bring me there...
To the place where my soul can rest peacefully..
I missed it magic flute..
I missed its scent, the sounds and the joy it brings me..
I want to stay there but I can't..
Please help me magic flute..
Its the only place where my crazyness make sense

20 July 2009

27 hb RejAb hAri Apa?

Sempena Isra' Mikraj nie...saje nak berkongsi satu article dgn korang..
sila la ke link di bawah kalau korang free...


Semoga kita sama-sama boleh ambil ikhtibar...wallahualam
Selamat berbuka kepada sesiapa yg berpuasa!

19 July 2009

rEd aLeRt

I command you to stop this instance!! I can't take it anymore, its been one month...i just wanna be normal...so please stop!!!

18 July 2009

Nur Kasih

Saje letak post nie cause rasenye korang semua mesti gelak bile bace..kehkehkeh

Syafiqah ikuti kuis Watak anda dalam Nur Kasih? dan hasilnya adalah NUR AMINA...nur kasih..

Sikap sanggup berkorban demi orang yang tersayang membuatkan Nur merupakan anak yang paling disayangi oleh pasangan Imam Abu Bakar & Mak Ani. Nur sangat berpegang teguh kepada prinsip tiada kejayaan tanpa rintangan, tiada kebahagiaan tanpa kesedihan.

Amin...manelah tahu insyaAllah satu hari saya dapat jadi solehah macam Nur Amina. Alhamdullilah...


17 July 2009

Happy Birthday Ummi!!!

Today my mum turn 4*!!!! hehe LOVE YOU UMMI !!!
May your days ahead will be fill with lots of love, laughter and joy!
Semoga panjang umur dah murah rezeki.
May Allah Bless you Always.
Have a nice Birthday!!!

16 July 2009

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

HPatHBP is out!!!!! so for muggles like me who has been very loyal towards Harry Potter since the day they screen HPatSS...i definitely don't wanna miss watching this 6th movie. okay, i know usually it will be devastating because the book are always much much MUCH nicer than the movie...but i thk 5th movie came out pretty great..i can actually feel the potter maniac inside of me being awaken by the sound of Harry Potter soundtrack...i LOVE POTTER!!!! hehe (scarry)

anyways good frens, i just wana say that i cannot stand not watching it...i am watching the trailer on repeat for god SAKE!!! somebody please save me... i can no longer wait...

i love this picture =D

15 July 2009

CutEy MuFfiN

i thought i was okay, i thought i was fine
apparently, my body's normal physiology seems to disagree
so i'm off to seek some help...

would love to talk more...but i'm really caught up with life. maybe i'll wait for the weekends.
hehe..i nie mmg suka membebel kan??? well, i only do it bcz i CARE.

btw Nadia dear, thanks for the muffins...they are so cute n tasty.
i wish i cld put up the picture here but i don't thk u'll agree to that. hee
but i seriously thk, it looks cute <3

12 July 2009

Why do we read the Quran, Even when we don't understand a single Arabic


An old American Muslim lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at thekitchen table reading his Quran. His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could.
One day the grandson asked, "Grandpa, I try to read the Quraan just likeyou but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Quraan do?" The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water."
The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home.
Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead. The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.
At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house. The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty.
Out of breath, he said, "See Grandpa, it's useless!" "So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket." The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different.It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out. "Son, that's what happens when you read the Quraan. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives."

taken from : iluvislam.com

11 July 2009

Crescendo Decrescendo

One day, I wish this complicated road will take a turn into a simple one. Till that day, I'm trusting my heart and putting my faith in what I believed in. For now, this stillness is just what I need as it brings me comfort and security. So that I can focus on other important things in life. Hopefully Allah will bless me and may one day.... dreams will come true.

tHe L.R.

I'm sure all of you have heard a say that 'no news is good news' right? Well, it is actually true...well most of the time.

fie, u dah lama x update me bout ur drama lifeeee

haha truth is...i dun have any drama anymore. well at least for the past 5 days i don't =p
unless you wana includes:

being attack by the doctors and lecturers with questions. (yes, i know i'm in my final year already)

mothers in labour screaming 'It is so painful, I can't push!!! I want a surgery!!!!!!'

being scold for not calling any doctor as the fetal heart rate drop to 80bpm. actually i was supposed to conduct this case. because of my ignorance, the specialist won't let me. sad but it is not actually my fault, it is only when the specialist came in that the FHR dropped! but i am actually glad that i did not conduct that case because the mother end up in PPH (scary). everything did happen for a reason, right?

i saw my first anencephalic baby weighing 1.82kg, that died less than 24 hours after she was brought into this cruel world...she has the cutest little mouth i've ever seen, she became my case write up =)

2 of my classmates has been quarantine for H1N1. (praying hard that i don't get infected)

and yeah, i have an endless studying and a case write up that i need to do...

btw, adik...dah 2 minggu awak dekat kedah, rindu nyeee....kali nie balik rumah rase sunyi sangat sebab tak dapat sakat awak. you are my bestest bestfriend adik, love u..

i hope that is drama enough for u...haha
later peeps =p

10 July 2009

hmm...macam nak tukar layout...ape korang rase? perlu ke?

08 July 2009

Magic Flute Dear...

Dear Magic Flute,
I'm so sorry that i still dunno how to make you produce sweet melodies. You know, lately i feel so lost...hmm... it is not because I'm bored or that I have nothing to do. I have enough work and entertainment to keep me occupied. But a part of me feel that something is missing. I talk but nothing matters seems to comes out of it. I try to listen, but my emptiness is not cured. I can't point what is the problem. What is it that is so wrong. I keep on coming back to this page, because my scream in inaudible to human ears...owh magic flute can you find me a salvation please...because this missing piece is killing me...

the lonely me

07 July 2009

noBody to cRy to...

kawan baik...dah lama kite tak cakap lama2 macam dulu kan...
dah lama tak gelak2 and hangout sama2...
apa khabar? sihat ke?
rindunye kat kamu..

06 July 2009

tHe BeginNinG...

Life is easier than you'd think; all that is necessary is to accept the impossible, do without the indispensable, and bear the intolerable. ~ Kathleen Norris

i wish it is easier done than said
i want to say it to you...
so much, so badly...that it is kinda hard for me to contain it inside...
you know what i mean???

Gosh ! seriously... just take good care of yourself, PLEASE...

05 July 2009


i've officially registered for my final year as a medical student..
i''ll be starting ObGyn posting tomorrow...

Feeling : scared, lost, unprepared

i've manage to learn 3 lessons for future use :
1. never ever say something that u don't wish to happen out loud
2. karma do happen in life, at times when u least expect it
3. there are nothing 'black and white' in this cruel world

p/s : empat sekawan sedihnye kite dah tak satu group dah....


03 July 2009


My mum send me an email today, she said...

Friendship are like our eyes and hands,
at times when our hand get cut, our eyes will cry and
at times when our eyes cry, our hands will swipe all the tears away

02 July 2009


Today must have been like the worst day of my holiday ever!!!

last night pizza that i ate for breakfast was such a BIG MISTAKE.
that call that i had for lunch was the most HURTFUL phone call that i ever had!!!!!!
and i seriously feel the regrouping of the class is so UNNECESSARY.

the only thing that i'm so thankful for right now are for the fact that i manage to hangout with my two bestie today.

far juara bowling kite!!!

siape yg ckp tak nak karaoke tadi???

thank you for giving me something to smile about. ugys are one of my best medicine ever =)

p/s : i tried to be okay, but really hate it.


one day, i'll need somebody for me to love and care for. somebody that will hold me while i cry after a long hard day. somebody to pour my thoughts, opinion and feelings to. somebody to share every bits of every second of my life with. somebody that will never make me feel insecure and know how to blow away my insecurities and make me feel safe. somebody i can trust and love wholeheartedly and of whom i know will trust and love me wholeheartedly too. somebody that will never make me cry or break my heart. somebody who is not selfish and i know will think of me just as much as they think bout themselves. somebody that can be my fair and bad weather friend. somebody i know i can count on no matter how hard things may get.

until that day come... i'm glad that i still have the chance to choose and find that somebody that will be the one for me.

01 July 2009

BuBbyE JuNe, heLLo JuLy

26th - 28th June
sending my dear adik to Sg.Petani, Kedah. totally bailed myself from Prof. KY CCU round that friday. i have a feeling that i'm gonna be facing the consequences soon. pray for me my dear friends.

i think UiTM Merbok, Sg Petani was a nice place to study despite the smell of burnt latex that will come penetrating your nostrils in early morning and late evening( i really hope that air freshener works adik). but otherwise, it was nice...very different from what i imagine it would be. it looks brand new...eventho its already 10 years since they built it (if i'm not mistaken). plus, it is 15 minutes drive from the town. i guess it wouldn't be such a bad thg if i do a houseman ship there since the hospital looks new too...but i would prefer to be doing it some where closer to home ( i mmg manja =D). so, i seriously hope my parents won't pray for me to go there like they have proposed = s

so, good luck adik and all the best!!!! i'll be missing you so much!!!!!! actually, i'm already missing you...tlc..XOXOXO

29th June
thanks to the disruption of electricity we manage to drag these two to Alamanda to watch Transformers. but since it was fully booked we watch Night at the Museum instead for a good laugh..huhu seriously missed hanging out with ugys, we should do it more often, adik would have love to be there too..

syafi'in (my brother) and ikhwan (cousin)

30th June
was a special one...i watch Transformers. the day was perfect from the beginning till the end. it start of with a perfect wake up call, perfect timing, perfect meal, perfect dessert, perfect sitting in the movie, and what can be more perfect than knowing that i passed all my exams as the ending. Plus, i had the perfect company...had a really nice time with you bestie..hope to hangout again soon. Good luck, all the best n take care...

I'm gonna be a final year student in July!! yay!!
happy holiday peeps ;p