23 October 2014

New Phase with my Lil Angel

Hi! I haven't been posting anything much since the wedding. Reason being that I've been busy with life. Long story short, not long after my wedding I got my transfer back to Selangor. Since then transferred to a new hospital, work in a whole new department and got myself pregnant.

Alhamdullilah, Allah swt is indeed the greatest planner. I am now a proud mother of a cute little baby girl who was born on the 17th July 2014 at 12.49pm. Being a new mother and all was tough. You keep on questioning yourself if you are doing the right thg. Is it okay if I use this thg on my baby. What does everybody think. But slowly I learn (and believe me I am still learning). Since some of my friends are going thru the same phase. I think what s a better way to share my experience but thru blogging. So here it goes...

I hope some of my experience can be beneficial to some of you, as I am also still learning and I am not perfect. I am just hoping to save some of my memories so that my child(ren) will be able to read it in the future.

Will blog again soon about a whole new chapter of life. :)