13 February 2012

Suara hati

Ya Allah kau percepatkan lah jodoh kami, kau rapatkan dan satu kan hati kami dengan erat dalam ikatan yg tersimpul mati. Semoga kami dapat saling kasih mengasihi, cinta menyintai, memahami, berbelas kasih, tertolak ansur, dan sentiasa menjadi kekasih dan kawan karib yg sempurna kepada satu sama lain. Semoga kami di kurniakan anak2 yg soleh dan solehah, yg dapat saling kasih mengasihi antara satu sama lain dan menjaga kami hingga ke akhir hayat kami. Kau kurniakn lah kebahagiaan kepada kami di dunia dan di akhirat. Jadikn kami diantara hamba2 mu yg beriman. Amin..

05 February 2012

Salam Maulidur Rasul

آللّهُمَ صَلّیۓِ ۈسَلّمْ عَلۓِ سَيّدنَآ مُحَمّدْ وَ عَلۓِ آلِ سَيّدنَآ مُحَمَّدٍ

02 February 2012

Engagement in Islam

Based on teaching that has been all over youtube by Ustaz Azhar Idrus :

Engagement in Islam happen when a boy and a girl agree to get married to one another, even WITHOUT the presence of the girl's parents.

Ok...why I suddenly wanna talk about this topic? Its because, I am not really sure if I and Hazim are engaged in Islam or not. But whatever it is, I don't want to be engaged to him yet. I dun want to be someone fiance unless that someone is really sure that I am the one and that he is ready enough to face my family and his family that he wanted me as his wife. Till then no, no and no. I am not gonna be agreeing in marrying anyone. Macam harsh je cakap macam ni kan. I dunno la why I freaked out sangat about this, I guess after reading an article about it and listening to it myself, I kinda take it seriously....and I don't know why. I don't want to be hurt again, I don't want an arbitrary  thing. I want something real. For once, I want Hazim to be serious, truthful and sincere...I don't mean that he has not but for that one moment. I want it to be special, a moment that I really feel that he faught for me. Like whatever it is that he feel, he is not afraid to put courage, heart and effort and put it forward and feel like he is risking everything to get me.

I don't know why I am doing this but maybe I needed that reassurance. I needed that moment that I  can look back to when I am old and wrinkled and disfigured after multiple labour. That I sed yes to this not just because I love this person very much. But because I am sure that this person love me with all his heart too. Oh gosh, Yes...I am one tiring lady.

Reading. The Beginning


OK...I think it is time for me to start blogging...

Truthfully, I've been doing a lot of reading lately and knowing me a lot of reading will result in a lot of thinking. With that thinking, lets just say...I kinda look at myself in a different perception, and truthfully...I am not proud of myself. I am ashamed of the person that I have become. Yes, I have everything....love, family, health, youth, career and wealth is not an issue although I'm not a billionaire...but yes, I have every reason to be happy and content...and I am. But, I'm lost in this thing called 'Dunya'. Yerp, most of us probably don't realize this...but we do/did this every once in a while. We are lost is something temporary...we put this temporary thing as our priority and they kinda rule our life and makes us forget that one day we all gonna die...and our end destiny are heaven or hell.

Well, I know saying all this can appear somewhat depressing..... grim as most would say. Truthfully, it doesnt have to be, if we truly understand what life really means...all this thing that we are worried of...money, career, love life, etc etc etc...they are all temporary...it is just a reminder from Allah swt that He is there, and all that we really need to do all our life is actually...LOVE HIM and be true to him...InsyaAllah our temporary problems will be settle. All that happen to us is actually a sign that Allah swt LOVE us. His LOVE is perfect. And I, ashamed as I am know that I have to change.... a lot. There's still a lot that I have to do to be a better muslim, I have to improve a lot to be back in His right path again.

The path of whom You have granted blessings, those who are neither subject to Your anger nor have gone astray ~ Al- Fatihah : 7

Yup, I have to change...but change have to be taken slowly in order for it to really be long lasting, so I am taking one step at a time...Please pray that I'll be able to change into someone better.

Surah Al- Alaq Verses 1-19

(Muhammad), read in the name of your Lord who created (all things). He created man from a clot of blood. Recite! Your Lord is the most Honorable One, who, by the pen, taught the human being : He taught the human being what he did not know. Despite this, the human being still tends to rebel because he thinks that he is independent.

However, (all things) will return to your Lord. Have you seen the one who prohibits a servant of Ours from prayer? What will happen if the praying person is rightly guided or if he commands others to maintain piety!? What will happen if the prohibiting rejects the Truth and turns away from it? Does he not realize that Allah swt sees him?

Let him know that if he does not desist, We shall certainly drag him by his forelocks, his lying sinful forelock. Let him call his associates for help and We too will call the stern and angry keepers of hell.

(Muhammad), never yield to him! Prostrate yourself and try to come closer to Allah swt*
