30 November 2011

Gawd, I feel old...

Just the other day I was talking to this boy, his name was Joshua...he was playing with his toy cars. Seriously, I hardly ever see kids these days play with TOYs. Do they even know what that is anymore??....or their source of fun has totally change to iPad, Tablet, PS3, XboX....Although we are moving with times, I personally think it is rather refreshing and nice to see kids who still play with their imagination, who still read story books, who play outside...Yeah, I'm old fashioned, I know...

Crazy Animal facts

A pig's orgasm lasts 30 minutes. (O.M.G.!!!) A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy. I'm still not over the pig.) The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. (Honey, I'm home . What the...?) The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field. (30 minutes. Lucky pig! Can you imagine?) The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?) Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (I still can't believe that pig ...quality over quantity.) Butterflies taste with their feet. (Something I always wanted to know.) Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. (Okay, so that would be a good thing.) A cat's urine glows under a black light. (I wonder how much the government paid to figure that out.) An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.) Starfish have no brains. (I know some people like that, too.) Polar bears are left-handed. (Talk about a southpaw.) Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (What about that pig? Do the dolphins know about the pig?) Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread these crazy facts. (and God love that pig)..

~Adapted from someone, I just found it on Facebook...

14 November 2011

Day 1 of Little Hands and Feet

Okay so my day don't start off so good. Ntahla...I just feel so lonely la in this department. The log book is so freaking complicated. I'm tagging alone. SUCKS !!! Big time. I still feel like I'm missing Surgery and the familiar faces. I'm missing Doink more and more....I miss to have him pick me up from work on my first day of tagging...listen to me rant and cry and tell me all the good thgs that he have experience in that posting....and I'll go back tired, slightly frustrated but looking forward to everyday.....cz at the end of the day...he is there for me, always. And he will try his best to cheer me up. 

Today, I am eating my cold dinner alone and its raining outside. I wish soooo hard that I have his company now...maybe running away to Penang wasn't such a BAD idea...Gahhh!!! this feeling is killing me...

Anyhoot....just few minutes before I headed back home. I was helping my friend to hold a baby so that they could take his blood. The baby was crying and so it became difficult for us to aspirate his blood. Then I put my little finger *its clean ok, i wash it before I touch the baby* and the baby suck it playfully...and that miraculously make me smile. That baby made my day....  =)

12 November 2011

Sentimental much?? nahh...I just love to rant

Ok...come across this song again as my sister was playing Sims Social on Facebook. What is the significance?? Believe it or not...this is the first song that I've debated with Doink when we first met. Hey, no judging...that time I told him how ridiculous I think of the lyrics...and it that if a person want to LEAVE so much they shouldn't be saying 'believe me' so so many times cz it is soooo soooo ANNOYING....but now that I listened to the song again...hahahaha ugys must be thinking that I'll say somethg wise, or meaningful or almost philosophical right?? *cehh budjet philosophical la kunun* no.....anyway...now that I listened to it again...I seriously don't understand what this song is all about. Yeah, can you believe that??? hahahha maybe I've becoming slow in this deep thinking thg....but I have a feeling that Doink just like it because of the beat....Hey, its kinda cool don't u think??  the music beat....make u feel like u wana move your body to it...yeah, sadly I've become that shallow...

Anyway...I'm just being sentimental....looking from where I am right now at who I was back then...I'm just that girl with pimples on my face and metal on my teeth...Yeah, I was not the class beauty...I was not even the most brainy...I am just me...a girl who listened to punk rock...with lyrics that almost always blaming the world and others for the misery that one feel. I will sit at one corner listening to my walkman and reading a good story book. That's me...simple. I'm not that girl anymore...I don't really know who I am...I am a houseman...sometimes I love what I do sometimes I don't. I've lost passion on those thgs that I like or may be I should say my passion have change???  I really don't know... I love looking at fashion nowadays...looking at how people dressed up and stuff...find it really interesting....like fashion symbolizes character...Mind you...I am not talking bout the runways, latest trends and what not...I am talking bout people who dressed up whatever way they wish to, they are not like those stuck up bimbos whose addicted to the latest trends...they are just normal ppl who dressed up matching to their personalities and wear it with such elegance and confidence that you just can't stop staring...I adore these kinda people, I find them interesting. Make me remember that to be beautiful is not about looking like someone other ppl think is beautiful....it is about being who you are and embrace yourself...

I am outta topic again...I don't even know what is the topic..haha I just love to rant and since I have so much energy to rant...I will now continue....The other day Doink was telling me that he thinks my favourite band EVERRrr is Rascal Flats!!! hahaha...owhh kay that's funny....I'm not that pathetic kay...no offence I do love country music...but not all of them....besides...My all time favourite is Lifehouse!!!! can never get tired of listening to Hanging by the moment or You and Me... and well their last album *not so new actually* help me go thru some pretty tough times but apparently Doink think Lifehouse is borink...and he likes Queen...yeah, we managed to DEEP talk this time he came back...feels nice...since we don't get to talk much due to this  long distance thg but we are both coping. Life is all about learning right....every nanosecond we are learning...it all depends on your willingness to learn or not...that's all.

sape lagi cute I ke En. Doink??

i know...we are both cute...ahaha *mode perasan nak mampos*

Handsome boy  (>_<)v

Anyhoot...I managed to go back to my hometown Johor for Eid-ul Adha....yeah, we visited Tuk Ayah's grave. I've forgotten...He is gone now...He is not in Johor anymore. I won't be able to see him anymore and for some people more than the other the impact is probably more....Its sad to listened to Tuk Mak's painful voice, from her tone...I know she is hurting....her bestfriend is gone...She got married to Tuk Ayah at the age of 11 years old. Yeah, u got that right....when you are still playing house...my Tuk Mak has become a wife. She practically have lived with Tuk Ayah all her life. I can't imagine how she is going to go thru day after day without him...her place to cry, her place to pour her thoughts and hearts to, her everythg......I can only hope and pray that Allah swt give her strength....I miss him you know, his laugh, his neverending advise...tho some people might thk that he membebel...he only say thgs that is relevant....he doesn't make ppl feel annoyed by what he said...everytime he said somethg ppl will really listened....i especially miss his smile... Dear Tuk Ayah, I hope he is placed amongst those who is blessed by Allah swt....the only thg that's left is his memories and words...He said, kalau ada kesempatan...jangan tinggal solat duha dan solat tahajjut....mmg liat diri ni utk buat kebaikkan...tapi akan di usahakan...Moga Allah swt permudahkan...Aminn

kalau kami dah mengila mcm ni la jadinyeee

ok muke budjet cute yg tak boleh bla.....mmg dah tembam kan??? thks kat En. McD =)

Kenduri Magnum =D

Till next time...toodles~
Wish me luck in Peads!!!!
Goodbye Surgery...IMY

gonna miss this group so much!!! missed out diana...hehehh

*~Life is good ~*

03 November 2011

Quoted by

Silence is a girl loudest cry..........

4 min and 50 s in 78 freaking hours

Today I just feel that LONG DISTANCE....REALLY SUCK!!!!!!

I call you back, didnt I?

01 November 2011

My Pet Bunny

I've been wanting to have a pet for a while now...and as much as I love cats....
I've been eyeing this breed of rabbit called Holland Lop Rabbit...they are sooo sooooo cute with their ears dropping at the side like a puppy...and their short legs...
I just fell in love with them
The question is...am I ready / capable enough to have a pet????


cute kan ?? cute kan??? cute kan????