21 April 2012

Journey that lasts Forever

Relationship is not easy, its joining 2 different person with 2 different personalities, 2 different interest and priorities under one thing. Its something that both of that different people have to work on, always and forever. And it sure look easy, but its not. It takes lots of effort, give and take, sacrifices, understanding. It may be effortless at first, but as these 2 ppl grow and start to have different lives...it will get harder. Yep, obstacles will always be there. But it is up to these two people to handle it through thick and thin, good and bad times, whatever it is it can either make it or break it. I found this video and I think it is kinda interesting.

I always find that its sad when my friends broke up, listening to ppl get divorce and stuff. I always wonder... they used to be so happy, what have gone wrong? what happened? I guess some people call it fate, some people kata takde jodoh...but really, Allah swt have brought you guys together and we all know how much Allah swt don't like us cutting off people from our life, whereas a divorce. Something must have gone wrong somewhere, maybe they start being comfortable, together began to be a routine....which can be a good or a bad thing, maybe they stop trying, start taking each other for granted, maybe things began to feel less exciting. I dunno why. But whatever it is, just like everything around us, if we want it to lasts forever it need to be taken care of, nurtured, and love. Just one of my random posts. Lets us all hope and pray that Allah swt will bless everything beautiful that we have now. Amin <3

Peace ><
* Spread love *

16 April 2012

A Day in Red Zone

I wasn't expecting that I'll be in Resus this week. I don't know where they should put me, but I wasn't expecting Resus. Phew! What a day!!! Started the day by having 3 cases coming in at one go. Then, during Grand rounds with the HOD I kene screw habis2 pasal ABC. Semua org tgk...malu sgt2 sehh. But, its okay we are all learning kan. Hmm then the day went on and on and on and without I realized it has already passed lunch time. Yang ajaib nye, dalam busy2 tu I sempat makan nasi bli kat cafe!!! Haha...sgt xleh bla k. Macam2 sangat I tgk harini...severe bradycardia, hypoglycaemic coma, ureamia encephalopathy, status epilepticus, crash injury, malathion poisoning..etc etc...but the most exciting thing is I think, I managed to insert a CV line on my own today, Yerp! I'm that lame....my very first one on my last posting. Its late but hopefully it is not too late. Huhu but I'm happy...and that really made my day!

p/s : my Viral screen out all negative!! =))) very happy news indeed


I forget what happened, I forget what you did that hurt me so much. But I guess my heart don't, it still remember that tone of voice, the way that you talk to me, it didnt forget how painful it was, how unwanted I was...

15 April 2012

Sunday Teaching

This morning after came back from work and bought my breakfast. I drove my car near to the mosque to hear their Sunday morning teaching. As I ate my breakfast in the car, I listen to the Ustaz, in his speech I'm rather moved my this particular thing that he said

We know that we will face death but we continue living and having fun as if death is not there to get us,
We know that Hell exist, and yet we continue living and having fun as if we've been promise the Heaven,
We know that Allah swt is there watching and hearing everything that we do and say, but we continue doing and saying all the wrong things,
Now aren't we the most oblivious lot?

Astagfirullah, Ya Allah forgive me...

What happen to Us?

This phrase of sentence often heard at the end of something (relationship) , when things dun feel the same. Sad isnt it. I thk it is a sad thg when you have to think what have happen to something so beautiful in the start to have caused it crash down to pieces . Gosh, scary... Scary thoughts. I dont even know why it crossed my mind. I want Hazim to always be my bestfriend. Somebody I can confide in. Somebody who understand me better than anyone else. I always want him to be the place I run to for help, support and in time of weakness. I always want him to be the only person who dont judge me and accepted me for who I am. I want him to always be the one who wipe out my tears, hugs me for comfort. Always be my strength. I want him to be the only one I need and the one i want to talk to for hours. I want him to always be the one i longed for, the only one I love. Kinda look like a lot to ask from him. I dun want thgs to change, cz he is my bestest best friend. I always want to have that. I don't want to ever have to ask, what have happened to Us?

14 April 2012

One Random Girl

I'm one random girl, seriously my mind can go around thk about random things in just like one minute! The other day while cutting my nails, I was thinking how I hate it when now everybody starts wearing Poppy's item in the hospital, jz because I was looking at their site. I mean okay, when I started to online shop their clothes, they were not on televisyen yet n all that and not many people knew bout them. But now, their clothes are like everywhere... Almost COMMON. I mean yeah! I still like their designs but I also don't like wearing things that you can just go to a shopping mall and find somebody wearing them. But their designs are great, and people love em' so its really a great achievement. So yey to Poplook!! :). Then I go and thk about how I cant shop that much anymore to save for my future education and my FUTURE. Then, i went on thinking bout the cost of a wedding and how "young" I think I am and that I'm not ready for commitments. Then I think bout why my flu is still not improving despite of the antibiotics. Should I recheck my viral status? Then about my recent blood test that shows I have a borderline cholestrol level and I should really start eating right and stop my sedentary lifestyle. Then I go and think about why nowadays houseman are just too pampered. I mean its bad enough that they have attitude problem, they also cant handle the responsibility that are entrusted to their hands! For instance, right now... All new MO in HTAR hv tp go bck to medical for their 7th posting, Yeah! As HOs just because all those Jr. cant handle it. And HO frm other posting, means to say Ortho, ED, Aneast have to send HOs to help top up their number. RIDICULOUS!!!

Then the other day I went and watch Mirror Mirror with Zatil. It was so FUN!! Very entertaining I would say, plus Julia Roberts as the evil Queen is just so dramatic. She is such a good actress. I finally watched The Vow the other day, but I kinda felt a bit disappointed with the plot, I mean yeah...it is sweet and all but I dun quite feel it. I dun feel touched. I duno. Maybe I am the one yg dah kurang mushy...huhuhu. Anyway, I'm sure lots of people out there love it! HEE. Then, baru2 ni masa jalan2 kat Speedy dgn Zatil, I saw this Deathy Hallows DVDs that come together with Hogwarts and House Batches. It was beautiful. I wana have it. But I kinda think it is too much for RM110 (O_o) but you all know how much I want it. I was telling Faizal yesterday night, and gladly we share the same excitement. Then this morning, he was sharing with me this all 8 movies compilation DVDs and their extended scene (5hours of EXTRA scene!!!!) as if that is not enough...it comes with this 8 Harry Potter wizard collectible items. Aaaaaaa!!!! I want I want I want!!!! checkout trailer here. Yes, I just said trailer 

It has been a very RANDOM week. I am just recovering frm my flu.. I took EL on Sunday, hence I had to work nite on my day off. Hence they put me in ambulance call, and my luck was rather weird... I kept on bringing red zone cases, I even had to bagged n CPR a pt before transporting. Then I'm back to yellow zone. Then I had to replace Gareth in procedure room as he is already on leave for his EOP. What a week! Just spoke to Faizal for like 2 hours...my goodness, we just kept on rambling sometimes. But its really fun to catch up. Anyway, tomorrow is Sunday and I'm off. Sad course tonight, my Nenek gonna make makan2 kat Kajang as a celebration Cik Faridah recent Umrah and Sakinah home-for-good course she finished her diploma. Everyone will gather and makan2 and catch up...I'm Super Jelly =(. But anyway, I'll be meeting Kak Ekin tomorrow (my senior from Meds School). So gonna have enough rest to prepare for tonite night shift!! Hoping for a good night in Procedure Room, lets stitch some ppl..huhu Toodles~ <3

13 April 2012

Happiness is...

There's no LOVE as perfect as Allah swt. His LOVE is truly unconditional, no matter what race, religion, gender, age, a good or a bad person you are His LOVE is there for you always. He will never let you down, and He will always be within your reach, He will always be there to listen to you, He will always be watching over you.. Isnt he sound like the perfect lover.

Why didn't I see this? Why have I lost my focus to gain your LOVE Ya Allah. When your LOVE is the most perfect. I have lost my sight for awhile, I did thgs that I am shameful of, I might hv trigger your anger, make you sad...Im sorry Ya Allah. I am the most imperfect servant, too ungrateful for all the blessings that I have and yet you never leave my side. Seeing your LOVE, I'm touched, for nobody will ever love me the way you do. In search of happiness, the happiness is Allah swt.