26 June 2010

follow your HEART ;)


i am currently very in love with www.weheartit.com
all of the pictures are very artsy
make me feel like every picture have its own story
::: love :::


Last night, I went to watch Toy Story 3 with my sister and her friend, Haz.

If you have been following Toy Story, you will definitely appreciate this story very much. The story start with Andy leaving for college, the toys felt rather left out since Andy hasn't played with them for a very long time. Andy's mum was pestering him about clearing up his room...so he can either bring his stuff to college, store them in the attic or throw them away. The toys (except Woody, cause he was selected to go to college) accidentally got mixed up with garbage when they were supposed to end up in the attic. Long story short, they end up in a Sunnyside Nursery a place that is conquered by a dark heart teddy bear called Lotso...who tricked them and they end up being prisoned. So, the adventure was all about how the toys try to escape from Lotso and his army, escape Sunnyside and go home to Andy ~ well pretty  much like prison break. Along the way, they showed me some really great values of friendship, love, loyalty, selfless, sense of belonging, to never give up and keep on trying to get to where we want to be...I really think it is a great movie, very funny, very interesting. I love it so much...at the end of  the movie it made me feel like crying too. Well, ugys just have to watch it!!!! Worth your every cent!!!! I am thinking of watching it in 3D version pulak...hehe ;)

Yeah Andy is all grown up and very cute too...but that is not why I heart him ;)

Bonnie : their new owner <3 

Today's Lesson

Don't wear your heart on your sleeves....

Don't EVER EVER EVER EVER wear your heart on your sleeves!!!

24 June 2010


Suami adalah insan pertama dalam hidup seseorang wanita, jadi wajarlah dia menjadi seorang yang terbaik antara yang terbaik. Jika tidak, masakan Rasulullah SAW bersabda “Jika boleh manusia sujud kepada manusia, akan ku suruh isteri sujud pada suami nya”. Dan wanita yang taat pada Allah dan suaminya, boleh memilih untuk masuk syurga dari pintu mana yang disukainya. Betapa hebatnya kuasa seorang suami itu. 

So, pada siapakah kita rela untuk ’sujud’? 

Oleh itu amat penting memilih bakal suami agar kita sama2 boleh mewujudkan keluarga yang sakinah, mawadaah wa rahmah, bukan semata2 keluarga yang banyak menghasilkan umat semata2, tapi umat yang berkualiti dan dekat dengan Allah SWT. 

Seorang suami idaman haruslah… 

1. Taat dalam beragama 

Bila dia taat dalam agamanya, takut pada Tuhannya dan jiwanya diselubungi rasa taqwa, insya-Allah dia bakal membimbing isteri dan anak2nya ke jalan Allah. Seorang suami yang bertaqwa akan berlaku adil, memimpin keluarga dan tidak mengabaikan tanggungjawabnya, kerana dia takutkan Allah, bukan sebab kena queen control 

Kerana dia tahu, satu hari nanti dia akan disoal tentang tanggungannya, 
jadi dia akan melaksanakan tugas sebagai suami dengan sebaik-baiknya. 

Dia menegur isterinya dengan hikmah sekiranya isteri berbuat salah, bukan sebab nak tunjuk hero atau nak cari salah isteri, tapi kerana tanggungjawab terhadap agama, yakni memelihara keluarga dari api neraka. 

2. Mampu memimpin 

Dalam Surah An-Nisa’ ayat 34 Allah berfirman “..lelaki adalah pemimpin bagi wanita..”, maknanya suami adalah pemimpin rumahtangga. Sebagai pemimpin, sang suami hendaklah terlebih dahulu melengkapkan dirinya dengan ilmu dan kekuatan untuk membawa pimpinannya ke arah mana yang ditargetnya. 

Sebagai suami ideal, haruslah nak pimpin keluarga ke arah syurga kan. 

3. Memberi nafkah 

Terutama bagi isteri yang tidak bekerja, suami hendaklah menyediakan segala prasarana untuk keluarganya. Walau bagaimanapun, bila suami tak mampu, isteri yang bertolak ansur akan mendapat kebajikan. Contohnya, isteri yang keluar bekerja untuk membantu meringankan beban suami, maka itulah kebaikan terbesar seorang isteri. 

4. Bergaul dengan lembut 

Memang sangat tak patut kalau sorang suami tu, dengan kawan2nya lagnsung tak berkira tapi dengan keluarga itu tak kena ni tak kena… Sedangkan Islam menyarakankan agar bergaul dengan keluarga dengan ma’ruf yakni dengan baik sekali. Tak kira la samada family man ke, workaholic ke, pergaulan dengan keluarga kena jaga sebab ini saranan agama kita. 

5. Pelindung keluarga 

Wajiblah bagi sorang suami melindungi keluarganya, dari segala ancaman tak kira dari segi fizikal mahupun mental dan rohani. Tapi sadisnya ada juga suami yang .. tak tahu nak cakap.. sanggup jual isteri, jual anak sebab nak bayar hutang judi. Sanggup perkosa anak sendiri dan sebagainya. Naudzubillah. Sedih sungguh bila dengar benda macam ni. Seolah2 institusi keluarga ni dikeji dan dihina. Hikmah perkahwinan untuk mendekatkan diri pada Allah dah jadi macam perniagaan haram. Entah hapa2 entah. 

6. Memberi ilmu 

Tanggungjawab suami untuk mengajarkan isterinya ilmu yang dia tak tau, dan panggil orang lain yang ajar kalau dia sendiri pun tak tahu. Paling tak pun, beri advise yang berguna… bukannya perli2 atau marah2 isteri. Isteri tu pakaian suami, kita pakai baju mestilah nak cantik2, kemas. Bukan cantik rupa je, biarlah berilmu jugak. 

7. Menghormati isteri 
Walaupun isteri tu boleh sujud pada suami, tapi bukanlah isteri ni tak ada maruah. Rasulullah SAW amat menghormati wanita, terutama isteri2nya. Baginda kalau masuk dapur tak ada makanan, takdelah nak marah2 campak pinggan, sebaliknya Baginda puasa sunat. Kalau balik rumah malam2 isteri dan tidur, Baginda tunggu sampai pintu dibuka, tak adalah ketuk2 sampai pecah pintu ataupun pergi langgan apa2 yang patut. Tapi zaman sekarang mungkin kurang bagus sikit tunggu2 kat luar rumah ni. Kalau tak dia jadi mangsa perompak, dia pulak yang kene tuduh nak merompak. Hehe. 

Jadi, suami kena hormat isterinya. Tunaikan segala hak2 isteri. 

8. Sayangi diri sendiri 

Suami yang sayang diri sendiri, bukan pentingkan diri sendiri! Sayang diri dengan menjaga diri baik2, agar isteri dan anak2 senang dan tak menyusahkan mereka. Jaga kesihatan, jaga makan, jaga penampilan, jaga reputasi dan sebagainya. Kalau tak ada duit, buatlah kerja2 extra yang halal, jangan pulak pinjam along ke, meragut ke.. kalau jadi apa2 anak isteri jugak yang susah. Kalau isteri anda cantik bergaya dan bijak macam Erra Fazira tak apa, mungkin ada mana2 anak Dato’ nak sambar hehe. Kalau tak, mungkin boleh jadi orang gaji dato’, tu pun kalau dia tak rasa “bole percaya ke ni? laki dia peragut, mungkinkah dia & anak2 juga ada bakat yang sama?” Uh uh uh~ 

9. Pendengar yang baik 

Kadang2 suami ni dia bosan bila isteri banyak sangat membebel. Ada yang terus lari keluar rumah bila isteri dah mula bukak radio free. Sebenarnya itulah cara orang perempuan melepaskan perasaan. Pinjamkan telinga sekejap agar isteri dapat luahkan apa yang terbuku di hatinya. Bukannya luak pun taik telinga dengan isteri membebel. 

10. Menghargai isteri 

Ada suami yang ingatbila ada isteri ni, semua benda kerja rumah, uruskan keluarga ialah kerja isteri. Jadi dia tak nampak kat mana nak berikan penghargaan. Hmm.. cuba la kalau si suami yang buat kerja2 semua tu. Sah2 esok terus pergi agensi cari orang gaji. 

Isteri bukan mengharapkan intan berlian (kecuali yang memang suka benda2 macam tu), cukuplah setakat ucap terima kasih, dah cukup buat isteri rasa happy. 

11. Mencari win-win situation 
Bila timbul pertelingkahan, cubalah cari win-win situation. Biasanya perempuan ni emo, semua tindakan semasa marah berdasarkan emosi marah dia. jadi suami pun tak bolehlah emo sama. Ajak isteri untuk berbincang elok2 dan mencapai win2 situation. 

Alah, tak jatuh harga diri lah. Isteri kita, bukannya isteri bos kita. 

12. Berterus-terang 

Ada lelaki yang tak pandai sound direct, sebaliknya main perli2 dan sindir2. Tak patutlah macam tu, sebagai sorang suami, kenalah pandai berterus terang dengan isteri terutama hal2 yang melibatkan keperibadian isteri. 

13. Jaga nama baik isteri 

Baik di depan ahli keluarga atau rakan-rakan, nama baik isteri perlu dijaga. Bukan saja kerana isteri adalah individu yang patut dihormati, tapi juga kerana isteri juga menyandang nama suami bersama. Kalau suami sendiri yang mengata isterinya, contohnya “pemalas” di depan orang, nanti2 orang akan kata “Inilah isteri Samdol yang malas tu”. Kan suami juga yang dapat malu.

Adapted from Facebook

23 June 2010


This morning I decided to be crafty and made this!! (^^)v

my very own Dried Flower in the Glass <3
what do you thk?

Well this project started because I was trying to conserved the memories of  beautiful bouquets of flowers that I get during my convocation. As it has been one month and I did not really dried the flowers properly...most of them dried pretty horribly and some was already eaten by fungus. Yeah, sad...isn't it. So with just the remaining flowers that I have. I just arrange them nicely in a glass bowl, covered the bowl with a piece of aluminium foil, seal it with a clear cellophane tape and tied a ribbon nicely around the bowl...and voila!!! A masterpiece...hahaha...poyo jerr. Though I cannot save all of the flowers cause some of them has been eaten by fungus...at least I managed to conserved a little bit from every bouquet...thank you to my mum, Far, Mira and Hazim for those lovely flowers....now I have my very own Flower in the Glass!!  *\(>_<)/*

22 June 2010

Kerja sehari-hari

yea...saya memasak

dan...menjaga binatang peliharaan....


Hey Heart...

Oh well...it has been awhile since I talk to you....or feel like I wana talk to you.... for the past few weeks all I want is to get away from you, leave you....Even now, I am not really sure about still wanting you back in my life. Everytime I think of you...all I remember was all the times u made my cry, all those time that I felt alone while you are off somewhere being selfish, all those time you hurt me, took me for granted, being the insensitive person that you are, all those time wen you made me feel like I am worthless. Its sad....to just leave as a fingerprints in your life, it is sad not to be anything that means so much more. That 49 minutes conversation must have been the longest conversation that we ever had in months...but even then, I feel like you are a stranger in my life....funny how I know so many things about you when you know so little about me. You don't even say sorry or try to resolved our issues. You act as if it is an invisible wall that won't affect us at all, little did u know that....that wall is getting thicker and thicker....

Though yesterday there's been a couple of times it struck my mind that I wanted to talk to you....try to just forgive you...forget everything and just be us. I also know that it will not solve anythg....10 months from now the same problem will surface...and it is goin to get uglier and uglier each time. So, I don't dial your number...it does not mean that I don't miss you, care about you less or that I don't love you...it's just means that i know you so well that I can just tell....you don't need me badly enough...for me to come back...I am sorry hunn...I wish I could have it any other way, but you don't give me any reason to...you can't even hold the umbrella up high for both of us when it rains....

The saddest part was...i thought about how to make us work even if let say that monster is living in your veins...yes, i LOVED you that much...

Stressful Day

I think the title says everything.....from the moment I woke up till now that I am going to bed in a few minutes....everything just aint goin right...But, Alhamdullilah...I've managed to get my passport, settle the "SUMPAH" thingy...though I still haven't done the medical check up...but I guess I've managed to get most of the thg done. Plus I sign up for my driving class already....since the car is on its way, i better learn how to drive fast!!!! Anyway...mesti ada hikmah semua kejadian buruk hari ni terjadi....kan. Btw, I have a feeling that I am going to get Klang for housemanship....I dunno la whether that is a good thing or not. Anyhoot...I am trying not to excite my self into anythg that is unnecessary for now...especially this....I still got another one month to worry about this hospital thgy...Nite lovely people..

i DON'T wanna THINK about it!!!!!

20 June 2010

My day with Mortarboard, Hood, Robe and Scroll (^^)v

22nd May 2010
That is the date of my convocation day
A very memorable day for me

That is the day that I received my scroll....had that less than a minute walk on the ancient stage of Dewan Sri Budiman. As I walk towards Y Bhg. Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Abdul Rahman Arshad the Pro Chancellor of UiTM to receive my MBBS, I was showered by cocktail of emotions....happiness, relief, thankfulness, joy, gratefulness, nervousness...name it and I felt it. So with lip brimming with a smile from cheek to cheek, sweaty palms, palpitating heart....I walk proudly toward the center of the stage...aware that I was being watched by hundred pairs of eyes *malunyeee* including that 2 pairs that matter the MOST <3 ....I received my scroll, shake hands with the Pro Chancellor and make my way down the stage....and that's it! My moment of glory end just within few seconds....and as weird as it sounds...that moment are going to be one of the most precious moment in my box of memories. Oh yeah! They said that MBBS means that I have a DR in front of my name too.....what does that mean??? Hahaha yeah...I am in the state of denial and I don't wanna talk about the word ho******ship for at least another 1 month. For now, let's just enjoy and be a lazy bum bum ~ Haa XD

MBBS 220 UiTM, 3rd Batch, Class of 2010

After the ceremony end....I was greeted by my parents, my sister and my bestfriends. I am so happy that they came and share my happy day with me....it really means a lot!!! Seriously LOVE you guys so much for that!!!

19 June 2010

I got Mail

Yeah, I've received my offer letter today. I am officially being offered a job!!! 
Anggur-anggur, I am sorry...1 month from now, I have to leave you guys, so take care of yourself!!! 

:: the hospital that i will be posted to will be inform during my induction okay ::
approximately 1 month from now 

Don't let me GO???

Tonight, after listening to The fray for a gazzilion times.....singing Don't let me go! Don't let me go! Don't let me go!!!! that feeling of longing came again. Yeah, I do....I miss him. But, being together is not gonna help anything. Better be apart like this. I think I have to blame the song. I was doing quite well this morning err...I mean yesterday morning. I woke up at 6.30am....perform my Subuh prayer and sit in front of the lappy. I was gonna hit the bed again, but I had a good sleep the night before...miraculously...heheh...so i dun feel sleepy. I managed to download Remember Me, at last!!!....so while waiting for my parents to go to work...I decided to watch it...hmm an okay movie...I dun really appreciate the plot, I think the message that the writer is trying to convey are pretty weak and I don't understand why they fall in love, I dun even feel the depth of their love. Hmm...just 5/10 for me. But I do like the quotes though. Yeah, as you can see I have posted it before this....there's another one that I like which goes like this...

Everything you do in life will be insignificant, but it is very important that you to do it, because nobody else will
 ~ Gandhi

So anyway,  lepas dah tgk cite tu....for the first time since I left UiTM...I had a breakfast...it reminds me of all the times that I spend with Anis and Syu...sarapan pagi2....wahh rinduuunye. Bila la dapat duduk2 camtu lagi dgn diorang. Nenek masak roti bom pagi tadi, makan dgn kuah kari dan sambal tumis....mmg sedap!. Tetiba, rasa nak minum Nescafe...yea, sangat lama tak minum Nescafe....sejak abes exam haritu...mmg abandon tros..huhu. A thought came thru my mind....what a nice day this is....awal2 pagi dah hujan I LOVE RAIN!!!! Hee~ I had a good sleep the night before....no tossing and turning, I had a breakfast...hmm maybe, things are actually gonna be just fine...I can get thru this. I  do hope that I will though....I know, if you are my destiny...things are not gonna be this hard....

Oh well..maybe tomorrow is going to be another day of playing Happy Pets, looking at cute kitties and bunnies pictures, updating blog, facebooking, watching football..etc etc etc.....I am gonna be just fine...I'll make sure that I will!!!


18 June 2010

Quoted By

You once told me, our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch. Is that true for everybody, or is it just poetic bullshit? 
~ Tyler, Remember Me

p/s : will you remember me? have I become significant enough to touch your life? You have...

Update?? Not!! Haha...

Hey....ya I know... I promise to update, I was!!...but then I thought I shud u know... put back the sidebar blog lists of my friends, family and u know the blogs that I usually go to...before I realized... I was reading fashion blogs, going ooooohh!! and aaahhh!! over shoes, handbags and clothes.....yeah, sadly I am that kinda girl -_____-""" . Oh well, at least I know my boundaries...InsyaAllah takde la sampai ke tahap Rebecca Bloomwood...gosh!! hopefully....not!! haha. But kinda geram though....after looking at all those blogs and website...I am currently having a strong feeling of wanting to SHOP! SHOP! SHOP! But, I got no money lah....and I dare not to ask my parents for any money because.....oh well, they are gonna pay for my car, my duit minyak, my driving classes (cz I dah 3 years tak bawak kete), give me pocket money to hangout with my friends...Soon, nak bli barang for induction, my hoship cz most of my toiletries dah abes....plus they have to tanggung me for the next 4 months or so sementara nak tunggu my gaji...nampaknye terpaksalah membantut kan jer niat nak bershopping tuh. T_T

Most of my frens....well 75 out of 90 of my class yang pass their PRO 3 are going for induction this coming Monday....my days are going to be extra EXTRA empty....no more laughing at their drama on facebook...gosh!! I am so gonna miss them. Especially Zatil, now... nobody is going to listen to me quaking about the same never-ending problem again and again or calm me dwn wen I feel sad and lost. I know, I am exaggerating... but, it is definitely gonna feel a little bit empty...after diorang dah start kerja apetah lagi...bertambah2 busy...and before we know it, we are making new friends, living our own life, too busy to even look back....I'm talking from experience. Its sad....isn't it? But that is life....the only CONSTANT thing in it is CHANGE...thanks Hazim, you thought me that.

Anyhoot, bila I pulak nak start induksi?? Hmm InsyaAllah...15 July nie kot, together with another 14 other people yang nama tercicir for interview tu cz kitorang interview after PRO 3 (3 May 2010) while the others dah interview 1 month before PRO 3 lagi...but tula surat SPA pun kitorang tak dapat lagi...after dah dapat surat SPA tu baru lah boleh buat medical check up and surat sumpah while waiting for induction. I am praying hard to dapat Serdang.....memandangkan budak2 from UM, USM, UKM...banyak dapat their first choice. Anyway, as Zatil always ALWAYS said....ALLAH s.w.t. know best...so dapat mane2 redha jelah, maybe that is the place for me kan. But, ape2 pun hopefully I'll manage to find a gud support system kat the place that I will be posted tu....Amin...Amin...Aminnnn

pray for me too..okay =)

interviewer me
so Syafiqah which hospitals did you choose?
Serdang, Seremban, Sg. Buloh
Oh! I see....it seems that your choice are all the hospitals around Selangor...hmm 
*thinking thoughtfully*
May I know why???
Well, I am the eldest in the family so I feel responsible towards my family, plus I'm living with my grandma and she is quite ill lately and she is hoping that I will be posted near our house. I also feel that my best support system are in Selangor so... I'm more comfortable to be in the area of Klang Valley. *phew!!!*
Hmm...but from what I see in your resume...you have been in Selangor ONLY all this while...

Oh, well...Allah swt knows best right? =) 

LOVE the people who LOVE you


i dunno why i wanna start my day with that statement

but admit it, it is a gud statement and it will save you from a lot of heartache ;)

anyhoot, today.... i'll try to update about  what has been happening for the past months, yeah bout my convocation and stuff (i noe it is an old story). i've promise myself to posts somethg about wat has been happening after the result and i've never really got around to do so...so today feel like a perfect time.

so yeah! happy blogging day for me!! yay!! (^^)v

16 June 2010

Hijjab....why do we wear it?

I think this video really portray how many Malaysians define what wearing hijjab really means....Wallahualam...May all of us learn something from it for the betterment of ourself....InsyaAllah...

Al-Nur, Verse 31

And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their bosoms, and not to reveal their adornment save to their own husbands or fathers or husbands' fathers, or their sons or their husbands' sons, or their brothers or their brothers' sons or sisters' sons, or their women, or their slaves, or male attendants who lack vigour, or children who know naught of women's nakedness. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And turn unto Allah together, O believers, in order that ye may succeed.

p/s : Selamat Menyambut Bulan Rejab....

15 June 2010

Bling Bling Phone

I was like really into this phone bling2 stuff...u always see celebs did it for their phone and its really pretty. I wanted to do it on my phone. I bought the few rhinestones stickers lasts Sunday and try to DIY it and well..it did not turn out like how I expect it to be...because it goes all messy...and I got really disappointed cz i really need to beautified my phone as it is just ...well not so nice looking already. So I figured, I  shud get a tutorial first on you tube to see how they really do it then I can DIY it ....so as I was browsing for the tutorial video....I found this particular video....her iphone look so nice...but seriously it took a WHOLE LOT of patience from me getting to the end of the video....haihh...some people really dunno how to stop talking..huh..haha. =)

14 June 2010

I can do this

Ya Allah tabahkan dan cekalkan hati ini menghadapi dugaan. Jauh kan ia dari perbuatan maksiat. Berilah daku kesabaran, kekuatan dan keimanan menghadapi hari2 getir yang akan datang.


My Blog is 1 year old...

Well...yes, it  has been 1 year since I started to blog. So...



World Cup Fever??? -_________-"""

Got this from one of my friend FB page. Guys, just remember that it is those Wife / Sweetheart / Girl Friend / Partner / whomever it may concern....are the ones who serve you breakfast/lunch/dinner, wash, dry and iron your clothes, make up ur bed, hear you complaint bout ur bad day, deal with you wen you are feeling horny, put some sense into ur fashion.....seriously....try ask that football to do all of these stuff and we'll see about that break up and divorce thing..... =P

Hey Hey!!!

p/s : Hanis, I told you I'll change it after my PRO exam!! =)

Stages of Grief

Elisabeth Kubler Ross defined the stages of grief to be divided into...

1. Shock and Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining 
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

It is okay to undergo these stages of grief when something bad happen, it is normal. It is better if you can do it at full speed cause that means you don't have to suffer so much. But if you are stuck at one of the stages for a very long time....well, this is where we probably have a problem. I know, my posts has been very vague lately...somewhat heartbroken...then I don't know, most of it just crappy.......let just say...I 've lost someone I trust, someone that I really cared about...a friend...who I treasured very much. How? Well, I think we don't need to discuss that here. We are both wrong I guess... and I know he'll never change. I've been trying to keep it together but now, I just can't take it anymore so I have to let him go. Maybe we will be friends again in the future....but as of now...just take this time to be on our own and grow. Yeah...I am still grieving....

Anyhoot, enjoy this video : this is how Summer Robert (my favourite character from the OC) deal with her stages of grief when her BESTFRIEND Marissa Cooper died.

have I told you guys how much i LOVEEE SummerSeth as a couple before??? haha...I believe I have...Yeah, they are still my favourite TV couple EVERR!!!!

aren't they just the sweetest (^^)v  <3

p/s : pray that i'll find my Seth soon okay... =)

09 June 2010

I don't care....

u are a KOJ...and u call urself my fren???


tho i truly love you....i wana say...goodbye....I am not gonna fall for that....u can go for that debab all i care. stop putting up ur act wif me cz this time.....it wont work. cz i have stop caring. i've grown tired keeping us together. and no...i wont regret anythg i said. you broke my heart so so many times. you never learn. i doubt it that you even care. u took me for granted. so i just wana say....GOODBYE!!!!

01 June 2010

it's JUNE and yes still no update....

do u remember that night? that night in november...where we both lose our trust on each other?? i was crying so hard....my vision was all blurred. i went searching for a tissue paper went your lock magnet fell and broke. do u remember, i sed... putting locks on a gate as a symbol of love is a cliche??? i still thk it is a cliche....when that magnet fell. what goes thru my mind was...love can easily be broken, no lock can keep it together if that 2 people who want to create love dun wana work in keeping it together....love cannot be symbolize by locks, buildings, tombs, fountain, rings, weddings or watever. it is only TRUE when that two ppl sincerely and happily WORK TOGETHER on keeping it alive thru all of the hardship, tears, pain, joy, and laughter and happiness....and only that can symbolize true love.

it was almost a year from that moment where i truly felt like u care. do u remember that conversation that we had? the one that u sed, i shud get married before my housemanship start bcz if i get married during housemanship...my face will all be tired and my eyes will be red from the oncalls and u dun wan me to have a tired looking face on my wedding. haha...i really thought it was me at that time. the one that u would choose. i guess now i'll never noe...i'm sorry thgs got this way. i'm sorry bad thgs happen to u. i'm sorry we lost wat we once had. looking at it now.....i still wanna say I LOVE YOU...as a friend or more than that, I am not really sure.  You hurt me pretty bad...and I am still scared. I hope things will get better in the future for you and for me together or separated. I just hope for the best for both of us. 


gravity pulls and 
we fall from the clouds 
we prove to eachother 
that we're both human now 
the time that we spent 
trying to make sense 
of it all 

all that i'm asking for 
is that you need nothing more 
and nothing comes in between 
our love and it's fragile, see 
all that i'm asking for 
you're all that i'm asking for
now we walk together 
knowing where we've been 
knowing mistakes are being mistaken again 
it's in the past tense 
there is no making sense of it now 

all that i'm asking for 
is that you need nothing more 
and nothing comes in between 
our love and it's fragile, see 
all that i'm asking for 
you're all that i'm asking for 

in the still of your hands 
anything can happen now 
with every beat of my heart 
love speaks in silence 
in the still of your hands 
anything is possible 
with every beat of my heart 
the time that we spent 
trying to make sense, of it all 

all that i'm asking for 
is that you need nothing more 
and nothing comes in between 
our love and it's fragile, see 
all i'm asking for 
is that you need nothing more 
and nothing comes in between 
our love and it's fragile, see 

all that i'm asking for 
you're all that i'm asking for