24 September 2013

I'm Married!

Do you believe in destiny? Orang kata, jika kita sayangkan sesuatu let it go, and if it come back to you that means its yours, if it doesnt that thing is not yours to begin with.

Who would have thought? Maybe some people would say, everybody predicted it Fie, not much of a shock. Truthfully to me, it is still a shock... And yes, I think only after a month that fact started to dawn on me. Hazim is my husband.

From that moment when I asked him repeatedly "Are we just friends?" until he finally confess, till the day he said "Aku terima nikahnya" when everybody else is so used to the idea of us being together. I still cant believe he is mine. That he actually said I love you, Will you marry me?. Often, because of this I guess I pushed him away, cz the idea sometimes felt alien to me. Silly me. But that is just how I feel. 

Sometimes I wonder how things in life happened. Especially when my mind kept on getting a glimpse of that June in 2010 and then I'm married. Felt surreal truthfully, still is. 

So to Hazim, I don't know if you understand how I feel. But for us to get to this point now I think you know how difficult it is. It had taught  me a lot of patience, perseverance and most of all FAITH in Allah swt. Our union, this time it was all in His wills. And I am utterly grateful that you are mine, that a perfect person like you would choose me the most imperfect person. I'm lucky to have you. You are the most caring, thoughtful, loving, understanding, selfless person I know. I LOVE YOU. 

Photography by : Project2pi